Chapter 2

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"Cut!" Francis demanded, "That's all for today people!"

I paced out of set over to my trailer, hoping that Josh wouldn't be able to catch up with me. However he was quick-witted and caught up with me.

"Hey, Jenn. Sorry about earlier. I didn't know what got to me. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." He paused "What about a movie night?"

"Sure" I replied

As we diverted towards Josh's trailer, I had time to think. What if Josh really had feelings for me? Or was he complimenting me as a friend? I started to get shaky as I reached for the door handle of his trailer. He grabbed both of my hands in his.

"Jenn, please calm down. I don't why you are like this, but please relax. I was hoping to spend some quality time with you." Josh let go of my hands.

I let out a breath I had been holding in. I loosened my shoulders, and being the weirdo I am I asked: "Is there food here?"

Josh laughed. Not his usual cackle, but a sweet giggle. His teeth showed through the gap between his lips. His smile was more than desirable.

We both ended up in the trailer watching 'The Avengers' His arm wrapped around my shoulder, while a laid my head on his chest, just like what we did on set. Time passed, and the movie credits were finally scrolling through.

"What time is it? I asked

"Half past 10." Josh started, "Just enough time to order pizza"

"PIZZA!" I screamed

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