Jennie - 30 seconds

Start from the beginning

"You suck at this." She laughed out loudly as I just chuckled myself.

"Then do it yourself!" I said, trying to sound offended as I gave her the phone back.

"Fine." She laughed out, closing her eyes as she tried to stop herself from laughing.

She tapped onto the phone as she started counting, still chuckling from time to time.

"1....2....3....4...." She whispered before I started tickling her a little bit to distract her and it did.

She started laughing cutely but still kept counting between her laughs.

"28....29....30!" She said, tapping onto the stop button as she opened her eyes and smirked while shoving the phone right into my face.

30!" She said, tapping onto the stop button as she opened her eyes and smirked while shoving the phone right into my face

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I just widened my eyes as I grabbed the phone out of her hands to look more closely.

"No way!" I said as she just leaned back again.

"See?" She mocked me as I stood up, walking in front of her.

"You were just lucky." I said as she stood up herself, intertwining my fingers with hers.

"Come on, let's forget about it and let's walk a little bit." She laughed as we started walking.

30 seconds... It can't be this hard.

I tried it a few times while walking as Jennie just kept laughing at my tries, I was missing the 30 seconds by 5+ seconds every time.

"Just give up already babe." She chuckled.

"28....29....30!" I said, tapping onto the stop button and opening my eyes.

"This is impossible, I swear!" I groaned as Jennie took the phone out of my hands and placed a peck on my lips

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"This is impossible, I swear!" I groaned as Jennie took the phone out of my hands and placed a peck on my lips.

"It's not that important, everyone is bad at it in the beginning, I played it a lot as a kid so I'm good at it." She said smiling to me as I smiled to her myself.

"You're good at stealing my heart." I said causing her to scrunch her face because of the cringe.

"That was way too cheesy." She said as I just laughed, hugging her tightly.

"I love you Y/N." I heard her muffled voice because her face was buried in my chest.

"I love you too princess." I whispered and placed a kiss on top of her head.


"1....2....3....4...." I whispered to myself, walking with my phone in my hand, eyes closed and tears about to roll down my cheeks.

Jennie, I loved you... no... I still do...

I don't know how I survived these last 6 months without you....

You decided to break up because you didn't love me anymore.

I hate it... I wish you would have cheated on me so I had a reason to hate you but with a break up like this I have nobody to hate except myself...

It hurts... It really does...

But I see you smiling brighter than ever... Every time I see you in the arms of your new boyfriend something inside of me dies.... but I can see you happier than ever.... I bet your heart goes crazy whenever you kiss him, I bet butterflies fly around in your stomach whenever he looks into your eyes deeply while caressing your cheeks, I bet the other girls probably like him more than me....

But as long as you are happy, I will try to hide my sadness behind a fake smile and try to move on.

"28....29....30" I whispered, tapping onto the stop button and opening my eyes.

"Still not perfect." I sighed while smiling with tears in my eyes.

" I sighed while smiling with tears in my eyes

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A/N: Play this game yourself, it's freaking hard lmao

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