Dean x Castiel

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I had this idea for quite a while now and now is the right time for it!

"Dean what is the meaning of this?" Castiel appears in the bunker, finding Sam and Dean decorating the bunker with Christmas lights.

"It's almost Christmas so why not decorate it?" Dean yells down at Castiel from his ladder. After adjusting the lights, Dean climbs down the ladder, then he wipes his dirty hands clean.

"Would ya flick on the lights?" Sam nodded towards Dean, Sam flicks on the switch. The lights lit up, giving the bunker a cozy feeling. "What do ya think?" Dean looks over at Castiel and Sam, smiling.

Castiel looked around the bunker, admiring the lights. "I like it" Castiel sits in a chair. "That's great, as you can see the tree is over in the corner with no decorations so would ya lend a hand?" Castiel obliged and followed behind Dean down the halls of the bunker.

Finally Dean stops at a door, twists the knob, and gently pushed the door open. "Now where are those ornaments..." Dean strolled in the room, grabbing boxes then opening them. Dean continues rummaging through the boxes, trying to find the ornaments.

"I'm guessing you're looking for this" Castiel held up a small red ornament from a box, shaking it slightly. "Yep, that's what I was looking for" Dean patted Cas' back then bending down to the floor to pick up the box.

"Ok let's get started" Dean walked down the hall, Cas following behind him. Dean was about to step into the main area next to the library, but he looked up and saw a mistletoe hanging up from the door frame.

"Dammit who hung this up here?" Dean heard Sam laughing in the library. "What's bad about a mistletoe hanging from a door frame?" Dean gulped then looked straight at Castiel. Dean inhaled, "when a mistletoe is hung above someone, that means they have to kiss the person whose under the mistletoe with them" Castiel blushed.

"Come on! It's so obvious!" Sam whined, holding a Polaroid in his hands. "Sammy I swear to God-" Castiel looked straightly at him. "Don't use my father's name in vain" Dean looked back at him confused, then back at Sam.

"Back to what I was saying, I swear to go-" Castiel interrupts him once again. "I said, DON'T use my father's name in vain" Dean face palmed himself. "I swear I will kill you if you take a photo of us" Dean threatened. Dean grumbles setting down the box on the table. "Dean you do not need t-" Dean smashed his lips against Cas'. Castiel's eyes widen but surprisingly, he kissed back.

Castiel liked Dean for quite a while now, but he was afraid that he would ruin their friendship.

They both continue doing this until they heard a click of a Polaroid. Dean broke apart from Castiel, then looking at Sam. "Sammy you dead son of a-" Dean chases Sam around the bunker, "gimme the photo you bitch!" Sam laughs, waving the photo up in the air.

"Destiel confirmed!" Dean and Sam continue their stupid mouse chase until Dean grabs the picture. "Bitch" Dean rips the photo into pieces. "Jerk" Sam had an idea pop into his head.

"Why can't you admit you like Cas?" Sam sassed looking at Dean evilly. Poor Cas didn't know what was happening until he heard what Sam said. "Y-you like me?..." Dean's eyes widen looking at Castiel, blushing hard. "Um er- yes..." Sam jumped out of his chair.

"Finally, you guys confirmed it! You both took FOREVER to admit your feelings" Sam danced happily around the bunker, making up a Destiel rhyme.

"Cassy and Deanie, sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S" Dean tackled Sam by pushing him into a wall. "Dude what the hell? I was just JOKING" Sam snapped.

Dean apparently locked Sam outside the bunker, in the cold. Meanwhile, Cas and Dean cuddle with each other next to the fireplace.

"Dean I'm glad we kissed under the mistletoe" Cas traces Dean's chest. "Me too" Dean kissed his forehead.

"HEY SOMEONE LET ME IN" Sam pounded outside of the bunker door. "Should we let him in?" Cas looks up at Dean innocently. "Nah he'll live" Cas cuddles into Dean, making the moment more cozier.

"COME ON GUYS! IT'S FREEZING COLD OUT HERE!" Sam pounded against the door. Sam gave up sliding down against the bunker door. Suddenly, the bunker door opened. Sam fell backwards on the cold, hard, cement floor.

"Can you please shut up through the whole day?" Sam nodded then fleeing away into his room. Dean sighs in relief then continues cuddling with Cas.


I know this sucked but I hope you liked it :)
Merry Christmas y'all!
I'm sorry I haven't updated for awhile, I had way too much hw but since I'm on winter break, I hope to update during winter break!

Please leave comments and some suggestions! I would greatly appreciate it!

Until next time,


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