I knew why but a part of me didn’t agree with me. That part of me didn’t want me to take a stand but I had to.
“Mrs. Marcel,” I heard one of the men on my team call and I hummed in response.

“We’re here,” he said and I parked my car while telling him to have the cabin surrounded. I stepped out of my car in my black boots and black leather tights paired up with a black leather jacket and killer leather gloves. Yes I had gone all black and leather. My makeup looked absolutely gothic making this whole thing seem so dramatic. Looking around and assessing the clearing with the cabin in the middle made me shiver a bit thinking of all the memories the cabin brought. 

I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt cold metal press at my back.

“Shh,” I heard what sounded like Caleb say and I turned to glare at him.

“What are you doing here?” I whisper yelled shocked at how he knew and what he was doing here.

“Mrs. Marcel, you need to move,” the voice said and I glared at Caleb before walking to the house and banging the door down.

As soon as I got into the house I found Jack sitting with my parents with an evil smile on his face making me feel nervous.

“You brought back up,” he stated not sounding happy at all.

“Well things change,” I replied walking towards him and something flashed in his eyes, an emotion that could pass off as fear.

“You’re treading on dangerous grounds Grace,” he drawled out with a sick grin.

“I think I passed that a long time ago Jack,” I said grabbing a chair and sitting on it looking at him with a fake smile that hid behind so much hate and the need for vengeance.

“Your parents are at my mercy,” he said testing me making me scoff at his attempt to make me back down.

“Those aren’t my parents. I don’t even acknowledge them as my parents heck I don’t even think about them. You know why, that’s because the one time they were supposed to stand by me and not give up on me, they didn’t. Instead they let me marry a bastard like you and didn’t even bother calling to check up on me. ‘Mom’ and ‘dad’ do you know this bastard here abused me to the extent that I almost died more than once?”

I could feel my tears and I didn’t blink them back because for once I was saying what I felt. “Do you know how it felt being abused knowing there is no one there for you? I was a damn teenager mom but no you let me be. What kind of parent does that to their own kid? It’s been five years since you guys last talked to me. I’m 23 now in case you don’t know. You don’t know how much I was hurt by that man but you know what the worst thing was? Even if I ran away I had nowhere to go because my own parents gave up on me.”

I stopped talking and wiped my tears deciding to be strong. “I didn’t come here to save you two. You could die and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid. You know why, because I’m a Marcel and we are known for our lack of hearts.”

“As for you Jack, calling me here was a mistake. When I ran once with my friend you baited me and I took the bait which ended with me going back to you but guess what? I’m no longer that girl. Oh and remember my housekeeper, the one who’s head you chopped off and the matter seemed to be swept under the rug by my husband and I? You’ll pay for her life with yours. You know I guessed it was you which is why I asked Luca to not further look into it. I wanted you justice to be served by me bitch.”

Jack looked taken back then amused and I pulled the gun from my back and raised it at his leg. Taking a deep breath I pulled the trigger and shot it making him scream in pain and agony while I just stared at him with tears spilling on my cheeks.

“You feel that, that pain. That’s how I felt every night that you hit me. Every whipping, every insult it burned like that but I didn’t have the courage to fight against you but now I do.”

He pulled out his gun from his jacket making me fire at his arm and he dropped it screaming even louder while begging me to stop.

“I asked you to stop too didn’t I? I begged and cried but you never stopped. Why should I?”

I fired at his other leg. “I don’t want to kill you, I want to cripple you. You scarred my body now I’m going to return the favour. Every time you’ll look in the mirror you’ll remember me Jack like I do you.”

I glared at him before I walked out leaving him screaming.

“What should we do with him?” I was asked by the head of security and I kept quiet for a moment before saying.

“Let him heal then we’ll start again,” I said before getting into my car and speeding away not bothering to acknowledge my parents.

As I sped onto the open road I couldn’t help but be proud of myself. I had conquered, I had defeated and I had done it alone. I was strong and I could be. I just had to believe in myself.

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