My ring tone made me wake up and I rubbed the sleep from my eyes while answering.

“What you got for me Joanne,” I asked my one of my planners.

“I got the invitation. I had someone sent it over it should have arrived by now,” she said and I thanked her before running down the stairs. There were letters on the table and as soon as I spotted the one with spectacular design I grabbed it and went to Luca’s room. His scent was everywhere in the room and I just sharply inhaled feeling the hole in my heart widen. I really missed Luca. Sighing loudly and trying not to cry I went to his drawers that were on his desk at the far end of the room. Luca was such a workaholic hence the desk in his bedroom that was overly sized.

I picked the Ferrari keys and fixed my outfit that consisted of jeans and a sweater with heeled boots. Using my hands as a comb I ran out and the car rammed to life making me smile in satisfaction. I loved the Ferrari most out of all the cars Luca had and he had a garage full of cars. As I stepped on the accelerator heading towards Marcel Enterprises I couldn’t help but be nervous.

What if Luca didn’t want to see me? What if I was dressed too casually? What if? The what ifs running through my mind were killing me and I decided to play music to drown my thoughts as I cruised on the highway full of cars going at a speed I was sure wasn’t allowed. Yes I sped drove when I was worried. One of the habits I had acquired when I got married to Luca who happened to be a billionaire.

As soon as I arrived at the immaculate steel and glass building with Marcel enterprises written discreetly and neatly on top I lost control of my nerves. Taking a deep breath I took the Prada glasses I found in the car and wore them before heading out with my purse. I tried to look as confident as possible even though I was close to having a heart attack.
The place looked spectacular; it was like nothing was out of place.

Everyone there looked like some robot programmed to do a particular task. They all looked so busy and serious. I sighed as I headed to Luca’s private elevator and of course I was stopped by the receptionist who looked like she was in her early thirties.

“Ma’am that’s a private elevator specifically for Mr Marcel only,” she said trying to push me out and I lowered my glasses to look at her. As I was about to say something sassy one of Luca’s security detail then came to introduce me to Diane who didn’t know making her start apologizing profusely.

“Don’t bother Diane.” I then tapped the 20th floor in the elevator and headed up towards the twentieth floor wondering how Luca was going to react. I didn’t want to play the part of the needy wife but I just wanted to give him something then leave.

I arrived on the floor and was greeted by two ladies, one just stared and smiled and the other one told me to wait by the reception area because Luca was in a meeting and she offered me juice. I gratefully took the juice and waited and waited and waited until I couldn’t wait anymore.

“I’m sorry who’s with Mr Marcel right now?” I questioned getting tired of sitting and lying on all positions possible on the couch and watching the two women furiously type away at their work.

“He’s with Hennessey.” I glared at the two ladies who flinched.

“You two couldn’t tell me that?” I asked feeling annoyed they’d let me sit for what may have been hours.

“We’re sorry Mrs. Marcel. We –” I raised my hand to make them stop talking and trudged to Luca’s office feeling really annoyed. Not bothering to knock I pushed the door open and Luca was talking to Hennessey about business making my entrance kinda weird and embarrassing.

“Grace why are you here?” Luca asked looking annoyed but still hot and sexy as hell. I lowered my gaze from him not knowing how to answer such a question.

“I’ll excuse you for a bit sir,” Hennessy said heading out before she waved at me and I smiled in response.     

“Luca listen,” I started as soon as Hennessy had left but he cut me off with a scoff making me feel a pang of hurt course through my veins.

“You’re not supposed to be here,” he said with a cold tone that made my eyes sparkle with tears. I blinked them back as I watched the way his eyes were looking at me. They were emotionless and cold and they were staring right at me burning through me making me feel like I’d lost everything. For once in my life I felt intimidated by him like everyone around him was. I felt uneasy, not in a good way. 

“I guess I should leave then,” I said lowly and he nodded emotionlessly making me feel pain I’d never ever felt before in my life. Why did this hurt so much? I took a deep breath to try and control my emotions. I wanted to scream and cry but I had to walk out this room with my dignity intact.

“Grace?” he called as I slowly walked out. “Don’t look for me. I’m leaving to Europe for the next three months.”
I couldn’t stop the scoff that came out of my lips. “You’re leaving because of me?” I questioned incredulously with shock marring my face.

“Don’t flatter yourself,” he replied making me feel nothing but pain and a little anger. “I’m leaving for business.”

I nodded and I ran out not wanting to hear anymore or see anymore of him. My heart didn’t deserve to be in this much pain. I felt like I was being continuously stabbed by a blunt knife with it trying to make a cut, to make itself prominent.

Wiping the tears that were spilling out of my eyes I got into the elevator and as soon as it reached the first floor I bolted out of the building to my car where I cried loudly letting all my pain and anguish out. What the hell had I done to deserve this?

I looked at the envelope in my bag and caressed it with a small smile. Why the hell did I consider inviting Luca to my exhibit? I shredded the paper angrily and wiped the tears off my cheeks furiously. Starting the car I sped to God knows where not wanting to think of anything. This was why I preferred how things were before. Feelings complicated everything.

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