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    Evening had set in, and you paced the living room, peeking out the window every so often watching as the snow flurries continued to fall at a heavy and quick rate. Your heart slowly getting heavier and heavier as the minutes ticked by. When Hershel sent out the mass text early this morning you knew it was going to be a long day.
    A winter storm had rolled in, and an alert sounded way before the sun even rose for the day. There would be close to 36 inches of snow dropped by midnight, and so Hershel sent out the text to all his farm hands; Rick, Daryl, Carl, Bucky, everyone who worked for him and even Steve. There was a lot that needed to be done to make sure that the farm was ready for the blizzard that would hit.
    Both of your boyfriends dress immediately and left before the sun cracked over the horizon. Both promising to be home before night fall, and yet here you were looking out the darkened window pane watching as more snow fell to the ground adding the already deep drifts that piled against the porch.
    'Guys, not to be a pest but.. do you know how much longer? If the roads are too bad please don't try to be the idiot super heroes you are, just stay there till morning.' You sent the text to both of them, biting your bottom lip. You tossed another log on the fireplace and settled as well as you could on the couch, pulling the throw blanket from the back. You grabbed your book from the end table and set it into your lap, leaving it in your lap closed as you stared at the window pane, watching as large white flakes floated down to the ground.
    "Come on Sam!" Bucky yelled, taking large steps through the knee deep snow as the goat bleated, bounding farther away from the barn.
     "Bucky!" Steve yelled, stepping outside, covering his eyes slightly as the icy flakes hit him in the face as the wind blew.
     "Out here!" Bucky hollered back, turning slight, his voice slightly muffled by the thick wool scarf wrapped tight around his lower face. He could slightly see Steve's silhouette back lit by the barn. He turned back, looking out into the crisp cold night, following the tracks caused by the infuriating creature. "Stupid goat."
     "Buck, I can't see you." Steve shouted above the noise, stepping out into the torrent of white. Bucky had followed the animal into the lower pasture, and was farther out there than the light from the barn could touch.
     Steve looked around vaguely seeing the other man's heavy boot prints in the quick accumulation of new snow fall. He followed out, his ears picking up on every sound. But the snow itself made a hushing whisper as the wind blew across whipping up flakes that had rest gently on top, creating vortex's of white.
     "Bucky!" Steve shouted again as he stopped, the snow stung his face as he stood listening.
     A bleat from his left caught his attention, Steve turned and started to trek through the heavy snow. He heard the unmistakable sound of Bucky's muffled voice cursing the animal out, slowly the closer he got he saw Bucky tangling in the barbwire separating the pastures, the tethered rope around the animals neck caught on the sharp wire.
    "Jesus Buck." Steve breathed a sigh of relief as he walked over.
     "Stupid animal won't come when it's called." Bucky snapped, trying to rip the barbwire that was tangled around his pant leg. He was failing, and his frustration was getting the better of him. At some point the man had pulled his gloves off, and his good hand was bleeding turning the white crimson as he worked to free himself.
    "Let me help." Steve said, coming over, he knelt down and pulled his phone out. He ignored the texted from you and turned the flash light on, noticing that the phone was in the red. Slowly he unwrapped the sharp metal from around his boyfriends legs, the goat bleated again, nestling itself down under a low tree branch.
    "Oh, I'm going to buy you and turn you into stew Sam!" Bucky glared at the animal that just looked back him briefly before looking away.
     "There, you're untangled." Steve stated, grabbing Bucky's glove from the ever growing pile of snow. Bucky scooped up the rope and gave it a gentle tug but the animal refused to move. "How did you get tangled?"
     "This idiot decided that he wanted to play hide and seek, I wasn't paying attention." Bucky replied curtly walking over and lifted the goat from its hiding place. "Anyway, found the tree trunk from the dead tree we cut down earlier this year and took a tumble. Next thing I knew is I'm hanging slightly upside down and this asshole licking the snow off my face."
     "Awe, He was just checking up on you." Steve chuckled as the reached the barn.
    "Not funny, punk." Bucky replied, putting the goat in the pen with the others. He walked over to the light and checked the palm of his hand, it was ripped up and bleeding but would heal.
     "Shit, my phone just died, our girl texted us, hows your phone?" Steve sighed, slipping the dead item in his back pocket.
    "Phone died earlier, what did her message say?" Bucky asked pulling his pant leg noticing that his thermals were bloody as well.
    "Dunno, phone died before I had a chance to read it." Steve told him, noticing that Bucky's leg was also tore up as the other man pulled the thermal up a bit. "Ohh, Buddy, is she gonna be mad at you."
    "Like I didn't know that." Bucky sighed as he pushed the fabric back down, he stood fully and looked over at Steve. "So, who's truck? Mines got crap tires and yours has shit for brakes."
     "Coin toss?" Steve shrugged as they both stepped back out into the cold night, walking toward where both trucks were parked. "Cause she's going to be mad either way, we are way later then promised."
    "Rather have brakes then tires." Bucky stated walking over towards his truck, pulling the door open, it creaked in protest. Steve nodded climbing the passenger side.
     The house was dark when you woke, a soft glow from the embers in the fire place was your only light. Some point you had dozed off and the power went out, you knew the tree had been on when you dozed off. That was unless Bucky got home, he would of let you sleep rather then wake you. You reached out and grabbed your cell phone, the only text was from mom asking if you had power.
     You pulled the throw blanket off your lap and shivered as you walked over to the fire place and tossed another log on. You poked around getting the fire going again to heat the room, the light reflecting off on glass ornaments. You looked over to the door and noticed that Steve and Bucky's coats were still missing, causing your heart to sink further. Your eyes drifted to the clock on the wall, it was midnight, officially Christmas.
    A tear slowly streaked down your cheek as you settled yourself on the rug by the fire place. Crossing your fingers that they would be okay. You heard the front door unlock, and you sprang from your spot, dashing across the living room as the door opened and shut.
    "What happened to the.." was all Steve got out before you crashed into him and Bucky.
    "You're both okay." You sighed, the cold still lingering on them but you didn't care as you gave them both a kiss.
    "Doll, were you crying?" Bucky asked, tilting your face better so he could see.
    "Yes, I thought something bad happened. Neither of you answered my texts." You explained, looking up into the those deep blues.
    "Both of our phone are dead." Bucky smiled softly, giving you another kiss. You pealed yourself away from them so they could take their coats off.
     Both men went up stairs to change for the night before coming back down stairs. Bucky showed you his leg after Steve ratted him out and his hand. You bandaged him up knowing he would be healed by day break. Steve slid back on the couch and Bucky laid partially against him so you snuggle against both of them, your favorite place to be. The house fell quiet as the three of you laid there, suddenly the lights on the tree flickered on, cascading you three in color.
    Steve sighed contently, his arms wrapped over both of your shoulders as you held Bucky's hand over Steve's chest. Snow continued to pelt the world outside your garland wrapped windows, blanketing everything in a cold crisp white but for you, this is where you want to be. Snuggled up, wrapped warmly with you and your boys.

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