Writers Block

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You sighed heavily staring at the blank screen, the little bar blinking, waiting for you to type. It was mocking you, blinking impatiently, and had been for the last nine hours. Sure, you could come up with plots all day along, but always while you busy doing other things, never while you ready to sit and work. Could you remember them by the time you had a chance to write? Of course not, that would be way to easy. You leaned forward putting your head in your hands groaning to yourself.
Your stupid editor was demanding you to do a follow up to a novel you had just published, okay maybe it had been published over a year ago but still. You didn't think people would of liked it so well, and now you felt stuck like you had to do a follow up. When you wrote it you hadn't intended on it having a sequel, mainly cause there were bits and pieces of your own life interwoven into the plot. Nothing major but bits, just tiny little glimpses of you imbedded into it. You leaned back in your chair and stared up at the ceiling allowing your mouth to drop open.
"Doll?" You heard your boyfriends voice call from the landing on the stairs just down the hall.
"Upstairs." You called back before muttering. "Loosing my damn mind."
"Hey, so Steve was thinking.." he stopped when he walked in and saw you staring up at the ceiling having had not moved. "You okay?"
"Yeah." You sighed heavily dropping your head and turning in the chair to face him. "Just contemplating my life choices."
"Still working on your book?" He asked softly, leaning his hip against the door frame, crossing his arms over in front the navy blue sweater he was wearing. A small smile crept on his face as his loose hair brushed his shoulders.
"Working? How about attempting to start it." You chuckled half heartedly, turning slightly to see the blinking of the space bar oh hell still antagonizing you. "Stupid editor, stupid writers block."
"Well, Steve was think about the three of us hitting the small carnival they have set up in town. Maybe it can help?" He offered, finally walking in to you.
"Bucky.." You whined lightly as he grasped a hold of your hands. "I need to get this started though."
"Yeah, but maybe having fun with the two of us can loosen you up and give you some ideas." He smirked pulling you to your feet, you laughed lightly at his persistence. "And it's only in town for a couple of days."
"That does sound like more fun then this." You admitted looking down at the blank screen again.
"Then how about it? And maybe if we're lucky I'll let Steve win us the giant stuffed bear this time." He stated, wrapping an arm over your shoulders guiding you out of the room. You laughed and shook your head, as he grinned fully at you.
You descend the deep mahogany stairs, Steve waiting at the bottom. He was dressed ready to leave the house, his black leather jacket on over the pale grey sweater. He smiled when he saw you coming with Bucky, his hands reaching for yours. You allowed him to pull you into him, his lips brushing your softly.
"So we going?" Steve asked, looking from you to the other man.
"Of course, told you I could convince her." Bucky smirked as you slapped his chest while he shrugged on his chestnut leather jacket.
"Hey now, you better not be betting on whether or not I'd agree." You stated, watching as both men gave each other an eye over your head causing you to roll your eyes at them. "You two are trouble, it's a wonder that I get anything done around here with the two of you plotting against me. Two on one, not fair."
"Not fair?" Steve scoffed, placing his hand over his heart as Bucky handed you your black pea coat, pulling it up your arms. "How about when the two of you gang up on me?"
"What?" You asked, wide eyed, staring at the super soldier in disbelief.
"Punk, don't drag me into this." Bucky piped up as he opened the front door, allowing you both out.
"When have we hanged up on you?" You asked Steve, crossing your arms as you stepped over the thresh hold.
"All the time, I get out voted on movies all the time." He responded, throwing his arm over your shoulders as he stepped out behind you, Bucky locking the front door behind him.
"Steve, as much as I love Disney, I can only watch Snow White so many times." You shook your head as you walked over to your car, your fingers seeking out Bucky's.
Night had fallen and the carnival had lights strung up between booths, you walked between Steve and Bucky. Bucky's arm over your shoulder and Steve's hand interlaced with yours. The evening had progressed wonderfully, from the few rides they had set up, which Steve opted out of because of prior experiences. To the games, in which Steve and Bucky has gotten a bit competitive with but Bucky ultimately letting Steve win a giant stuff black bear to which he was currently carrying on his hip.
"So doll, got any ideas?" Bucky asked, looking over to you, those twin bright blues staring into you.
"Ideas? I've got a few but maybe you might want to clarify." You giggled, getting nudged in the side by Steve.
"For your book." He chuckled, shaking his head, his locks cascading loose from the bun he had put his hair into.
"I think I might have an idea or two." You smiled, looking at the carnival, watching groups of people move about.
"So good plan?" Steve asked, giving you a coy smile as you looked up at him.
"Any plan with the two of you is a good plan." You grinned pulling away from them, you turned and started to walk backwards. You bit your lip playfully giving them both a wink, both men raised an eyebrow at you. "So, fun house or that game where you try and toss a coin into the fish bowl?"
"Fun house!" Steve called out.
"Fish bowl!" Bucky chipped back, both men looked at each other.
"And this is how we get two on one." You laughed, walking over and wrapping your arms around both men.

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