"Kayden wants war"

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I left when Carter did she took one of the cars on the garage she told me that the place was a garage why back but work was done, when I got home a car was there I never seen I walked in my 'dad' was gone a guy around my height was talking to my mom Jazz was talking to a girl along with Jack "Josiah um-" my mom looked at the guy "this is um your real dad" I knew that he wasn't my real dad "hi I'm Kayden" he held his hand out I shook it "hi" Jazz cane over "so your really  my half brother?" She asked I nodded "yeah i guess" she smiled, "Amya take the girls to um the mall" Kayden said "is that ok?" He asked my mom she nodded, once they left we sat down at the table

"Josiah um well you are an heir to be a leader of the Helixes" my mom said "what?" I looked at Kayden and my mom "I'm the leader of them and it's time for you to start to train you and have you know the people" He said "what about school?" He smiled "you'll still go and if you want you could go to a community college but we will need you" I looked to the table "no one can know" he said I couldn't tell Kendrick,Charles or even Carter, "and if you want tattoos you get them free from a gang member who dose them professionally" I looked at him "I've wanted one and I was given some sketches" I say he nodded "but a gang like illegal?" He smiled and nodded my mom was looking at me "mom whats wrong"a tear ran down her face "your grown" I. smiled and hugged her "will I stay here?" He nodded "but Friday's, Saturday and Sunday you will be training" I nodded "so would you like to visit today?"

I looked at my mom then him "um sure" he smiled "wonderful you can get ready" I nodded and looke back to my mom she was smiling I got up and when to my room I found pants and a sweatshirt "ok I'm ready" I say but don't leave my room "I am ready" once again can't leave a gang really I'm not sure how that would be how would Carter take it? I walk upstairs and seen my mom and Kayden talking I walked back to them "I'm ready I guess" I say he smiled and got up "I'll see you soon Sarah" they hugged "Jazz and Jack will be back after getting their nails done" he said my mom nodded

"So what's your girlfriends name?" Kayden asked "Carter" he nodded "nice name is it really a girl?" I smiled "her real name is Bellona but Carter is her middle name" he looked at me then back to the road "ah ok so it would be Bellona Carter Winchester" I smiled think about that "I like that" I say and smile again we arrived at a mansion

5 times bigger then Carter's

"Willow!" Kayden yelled a girl around my age cane up she looked me up and down and smirked "yes?" She asked "this is my son Josiah I would like if you took him to met your team" she nodded "yes sir"
"Follow me please" I walked behind her many people looked our way, "Aaron! Lydia! Ally!Kim!" Willow yelled three girls and one guy came out "yes boss?" The guy said "we have a guest Kaydens son Josiah" they all looked at me, "hello" I waved not knowing what to do "I like him already" One of the girls said "oh this is Arron" she pointed to the guy he waved "Lydia" the girl was a brunette waved to me and smiled "Ally" she was mixed her hair was brown it was braided she smiled at me "and Kim" she had dirty blond hair with some blue highlights,

"So your our next leader" Aaron said I nodded "uh looks like you've never committed a crime"
"I haven't" he chuckled "no that's not good everybody in this gang has" Lydia said "I'm not everybody" I say "well that is true" she looked to the ground "he's your next boss" Kayden came in the room "and he will not be doing any crimes not yet Aaron" Kayden said Aaron rolled his eyes "tomorrow you'll come here and work out" Kayden said I nodded "now come with me we need to talk" I walked behind him we stopped in front of a big door
He opened it and it was a big office he sat down in the big chair I took a set across from him "The Red Roses you ever heard of them?" I shook my head then it remembered what Carter said at the party 'yeah five highly trained Red Roses could kill someone'
"They are the biggest and most feared gang in the US,we want to take there spot to be the most feared,we have been at war with them when your grandfather was in charge he and Joe Rose has fought when my father killed Joe, his son took over young as you" I was here so they could go to war so if he died I would take over "you plan to go to war?" He nodded "we'll train you well before" he said

Three weeks later


Me and Riley where at the store, he came with Adrian, Layla she's Adrian's wife, my grandma and couple of other people, I talked to Josiah twice once when he finally asked me out then at school Monday the last day that I when for a week then he had stopped showing up he quit Wal-Mart Kendrick tried to talk to him and we all are worried Kendrick talked to his mom and she had told us the she hasn't heard from him and I know when people are telling the truth after being lied to for so long,

I seen Josiah with a guy he looked at me for a second and smiled then looked at Riley "ok so what do we need?" He asked "I need paint, my mom wants something for dinner tonight and she gave what she need to you" He nodded once we where done we walked out to the car

Call from Sam


Helixes um they have a mole here we have them, Ally she said that Kayden wants war-Sam

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