Chapter 14 - Hero Summoning?

Start from the beginning

When I checked my item box, I noticed there was a new item on there. I examined it for a minute and it turned out to be something that was very useful. It was a pair of headphones, and they had the ability to boost my already strengthened hearing. As long as I had them over my ears then my hearing would be increased.

Plus I might be the overseer of this world, but she sure is dumping everything on me all at once huh? After reading over the message she sent me, I closed the window and turned my focus back to Sana and Noroi. They were staring at me, and in my mind I can see the sparkles shining around their faces. Crap, they were waiting for an answer....what do I do? I don't know what they were talking about!

"U-umm...Maybe?" (Sora)

"Not paying attention." (Sana)

Then Noroi raised her voice to me saying, "Yeah, what the hell Sora! You should've been listening!" Then she starts banging her small fists against my arm. I didn't feel anything but I pretended it hurt to satisfy her, otherwise she may try to actually hurt me.

I laughed a little after they were finished being angry with me. Ikari was just lying on the floor chewing on an obnoxiously large uncooked steak. It was a little strange seeing her eat like that, but it seemed she was satisfied with the meal. Perhaps when we get an actual house I can practice making a specific meal plan to help Ikari get the most out of her strong wolf body.




It's been one week since Ikari joined our party, when we aren't training together or out on a quest, we all just relax together outside the city gates in the grasslands a couple miles away. I have been using the kitchen at the inn to make us lunches for when we go out on monster subjugation requests. It really pays to have my cooking skill at such a high level. The girls all love my food, and Ikari actually has a stronger body now, thanks to the meal plan on top of the training. If I had to, I would say her rank would be close to SS now thanks to the training I gave her.

Currently I'm on my way to Amdagaer's shop. I got a letter yesterday that my gauntlets were ready to be picked up, so I'm heading there now with the small fortune I amassed for myself during the week. The letter didn't give me any specifics on my gauntlets, but it did say that he fulfilled the request order and made them a special One-Of-A-Kind item that no one else would be able to reproduce. Apparently he left the naming of them to me, since I'll be using them he figured it would be right for me to name the unique gear. Not that I mind though, I have a good idea for what to name them.

I walked into the store, and what I saw was the fat noble that's been bugging me all week, and with him were some knights. Probably acting as guards, those poor fellows. The fat noble has been insufferable lately, even trying to use some of the city knights to apprehend me so he can get the stupid demon core. Although when the knights noticed that they were sent to get me, they immediately backed off since my name was spread through the knight ranks about my achievements in killing the Demon General and the taming of a Midnight Hound. Some of the knights were too scared to move against me knowing that Ikari is always with me, even if it looks like I'm alone, Ikari is always hiding in my shadow. Then there's also Sana, which I almost always travel with.

The fat noble turns around and when he sees that it's me at the door, his face turns angry, and then he tries ordering the guards that are with him, to apprehend me. When they were getting ready to advance, I simply rested my hand on Noroi's pommel. I wasn't releasing any killing intent, but I WAS letting them know that I would defend myself if they chose to make a move. Some of them stepped back, and a couple simply hesitated before taking another step towards me.

However, before a fight broke down, there was a loud slam on the countertop. Amdagaer had slammed his fist on it, and had raised his voice, "You idiots if you damage my shop, you'll have to reimburse me for every penny!!! Then none of you will be allowed in my damn shop again!!"

There was a long silence after he spoke those words. All the knights immediately fell in line and ceased their movements towards me. I was kind of surprised, but I suppose Amdagaer was more popular than I thought. I kept my hand on Noroi's pommel, and instructed Ikari to remain in my shadow unless someone makes a move on me. With that I walked passed the knights and the noble and started a casual conversation with Amdagaer.

"What's up, old man Gaer?" I asked him. He replied to me with a dirty look, before switching off into a smirk, "Kid I told you I ain't that old.'s those gauntlets you asked for. You didn't ask for much except that they be unique items that couldn't be replicated by anyone. So here you go, and since we have company with us, I won't divulge what materials its made from, or what enhancements were added to it. I'll leave that up to you to decide kid." Gaer explained. I looked over the gauntlets using appraisal I read the description of the item and studied the enhancements he added on it.


(Forged from the heart of a Demon, and combined with the skin of a dragon. These gauntlets will adjust themselves to their wearer's abilities, and will continue to grow along with their owner. One-of-a-kind item, and can not be replicated. Some would consider this equipment to being the closest thing to a god-tier item.)

When I put the gauntlets on, I felt a relaxing heat surround my hands, then the gauntlets began to adjust their size to fit my hands

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When I put the gauntlets on, I felt a relaxing heat surround my hands, then the gauntlets began to adjust their size to fit my hands. It wasn't too tight or too loose, but it was just a nice firm feeling, like I can take them off easily, but also not have to worry about them falling off during combat. I could hear the fat noble complaining about something in the background, but I didn't bother paying any attention to him since he's been such a nuisance for the past week.

With that I decided to pay the full amount for the gauntlet. Then we continued talking as he confirmed the amount I gave him was accurate. "So kid, have you decided on a name for those things?" I smiled while looking over the gauntlets, "Yeah, I figured I would call them Pride and Wrath...What do you think?" Gaer nodded to me, and said they were decent names for them.

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