Reptilian Shenanigans

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An evening after the festival...Sirix quickly went into her chambers and came out wrapped in a towel...ready for the hot springs...her feet were killing her from all the stuff she did yesterday. The hot springs were the most amazing in her opinion at sunset. Jeanne had her big cousin's herbal treatments prepared and followed her to the spot. Sirix smiled and descended into the waters...she sighed deeply as it felt absolutely amazing. Jeanne put the herbal liquids and the floating petals in the spa-like pool. Sirix purrs as the liquids soothe her aching body... Jeanne leaves to grab some food for herself and her cousin and Sirix relaxes.  

Soon Sirix heard footsteps...thinking it was Jeanne, she thought nothing of it. But oh was she wrong! Demyx had stumbled upon this clearing out on one of his little adventures. Sirix blushed...she wasn't wearing anything but a towel turned into a makeshift dress. It was too late...Demyx saw her and stepped back a bit "I am SO sorry!" he squeaked in surprise. Sirix laughed it off "I wouldn't mind...happens to me all the time really!" Demyx sat on the rock ledge beside Sirix and scratched one of her ears. "So are you gonna join me or just stare down at me in a towel?" Sirix teases while flicking her tailfin across his chin. Demyx laughs nervously and something screams in his mind "I want to stare at you in anything..." he mumbles...Thankfully Sirix didn't hear...still teasing her crush. She inches in closer, dropping her towel a bit around the chest. Demyx...not wanting to go further squeaks "Ok..I'll join..I'm sure it's not bad" Sirix flashes a smirk and pulls her towel back up, taking his hand and leading him into the water. She felt herself lean against his side...but she let it she's with her crush. Sirix is now fully laying down with her head on his shoulder...Demyx petting her head and ears. Sirix nuzzled a bit and chirped...she never had a moment like this...but she got an idea. She sat up, inching closer and ever so slowly towards Demyx with a seductive, sleepy-eyed smile. Demyx was blood red at this point...he can't say a word. But he didn't need Sirix finally closed the gap between them, her sparkling eyes fluttered closed as she kissed him. Demyx was sweating and blushing like a madman, but he soon submitted to her kiss, pulling the serpent closer. Sirix pulled away satisfied and winked. Demyx stuttered out a laugh and carried her bridal style out of the hot springs to her chamber. 

Sirix changed into her nightgown and came back into the room..falling onto her bed. Demyx pulled the sheet over Sirix and before he could leave...he felt a hand on his. "If you wouldn't mind...could you lay with me...I have bad night terrors...just for tonight....I don't want to seem like a bother..." Sirix pleaded. Demyx couldn't turn down such a sweetie like her. So he laid next to Sirix, bringing her closer in an almost dying embrace. Demyx kissed her forehead before falling asleep himself...Sirix still nuzzling him like he was going to leave her.

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