Chapter 2

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I groan and roll over to look at my hopefully not broken alarm clock. The red light still flashing 5:30. I get out of bed to pick up my alarm clock and head towards the bathroom. As I walk down the hallway I pass by Layla's room, her door is half open, so I take a peek inside. She's curled up in a cocoon of blankets on the floor a few feet away from her bed. How I don't know, she sleeps like the dead and falls on the floor a lot, I usually pick her up and put her back into bed, but right now I'm too lazy too.

After my shower, I head back into my room and pull out the dress and shoes from yesterday. I quickly get dressed and brush my hair pulling it into a neat ponytail as I slip my flats on. I look around my room and can't find my bag; I dig my closet then look under my bed and still nothing. Just my luck I lose my bookbag and everything in it before the first day of school. I run downstairs to ask my aunt if she has seen it, but once I get downstairs, she is nowhere in sight. I look in the kitchen, and I see she made Pancakes and mine and Layla's bags are sitting each in one chair. Leave it to my aunt to do this; I pick up the note she left us and sat down to start eating.

I figured you girls would forget something so I made breakfast and brought your bags downstairs! I love you girls, have a great first day!    - Aunt Cassidy

A few minutes later Layla comes running downstairs looking frantic as she always does when it comes to school. "Where is my bag!?" She started running around the living room until she came into the dining room. I just smiled and I pointed to the chair across from me, she sighed and sat down in her seat grabbing a pancake scarfing it down before grabbing my arm and running to the bus.

10 minutes later I'm waiting by my locker, the same one I've had for the past four years. Then out of the subtle noise of the crowded halls, I hear what can only be described as Flooly. "Tamani!" Oh no, what did Tam do now, the first block hasn't even started yet, and she's already yelling at him. "Short, short, shorty, short" Tam practically sings to Flooly.

See Flooly is a wonder child not just for her body (she has one full brown eye and one split brown and blue eye), personality, but also her name. When she was born her dad fainted from the sight and smell of all the blood, her mom was so delirious from all the medication, that she named her daughter Flooly. I call her Loo. She's 5'4'' and looks like a college student but has the personality of a 6-year-old. Her least favorite thing is being called short, which ironically is Tams favorite thing to call her.

"Well, well, well. Isn't this a sight to see, is miss Ash wearing a dress willingly?" Ah, sarcasm beautiful sarcasm. I just batted my eyelashes and gave him the beauty pageant smile and wave. "Why yes I am Tam, thank you ever so much for noticing." We all laughed. "Honestly tho this is the best dress ever, it has pockets!" Tam and Flooly just laughed at me; I rolled my eyes. "Hahaha, very funny let me see your schedules." Flooly handed me hers as Tam took mine. It turns out I have Spanish, chorus, gym, history and a full block study hall with Tam and science, history and chorus. Layla then ran up to us and took my schedule. "Yay! We have chorus together and..... That's it!" She was fuming, the past three years we've had practically the same class schedule, this was going to be a big change for her, I mean us. People around us in the hallway turned to look at the load mouth known as Layla, She didn't notice, but Flooly did, and she just smiled and waved at everyone looking at us.

You have ten minutes to get to your first block class. My principal Mr. Cruele said in his normal grumpy voice over the speakers.

"Yay science here we, I mean here I come!" Tam said with fake enthusiasm. I just laughed we had science together last year, and I know he was hoping to have it together again this year.

"Oh well, maybe it's because you kept squirting water at me, last year in class." Tam stuck his tongue out at me and pouted like a child, to be honest, he looked adorable! "Well, I'm going to English. Why am I always alone in English?" Now it was my turn to whine and pout like a child.

"Cause then you can help us by telling us all the answers?" Layla said with an innocent smile. "Yeah cause that's fair, I do all the work, so you guys don't have to read any of the stupid books." They all gave me sheepish smiles as Layla gave a shy " We love you." After the group hug, we all said our byes and headed to our first block classes.

English dragged on and on, and you guessed it on. We did the cliche icebreaker games than read a poem to show our analytical skills. I normally love English it's easy, and I love to read, but I don't think I'm going to like this year for some reason. Once the bell rang I practically flew to the door, it's time for Spanish with Tam!

Once in the classroom, I spotted Tam in the front row closest to the teacher's desk. "Hey! How was English?" I just groaned and laid my head against the cold desk. He smirked and gave me a comforting shoulder pat. Once the teacher started class, Tam took out some paper and started writing notes...Spanish is his favorite subject if you couldn't tell. After a few minutes of listening to the teacher talk about the class, I felt a tap on my arm a piece of paper slid onto my desk from Tam.

Hey, I missed you over the summer, even though I was surrounded by family, I missed everyone here. 

I missed you too Tam. How was Washington? Also, how was your way to smart for 2nd-grade sister?

Lol, Kate is good, they put her in a 5th-grade math class to try to challenge her.... I don't think its much of a challenge for her tho. And Washington was ok, lonely without you or our friends.

Maybe next year I can join you to Washington?

I would LOVE that!!!!!!!!

I laughed silently to myself. Tams birth mom and two sisters and one brother live in Washington, and he goes out there every summer to see them. Just as I was about to write back the bell rang and it was time for Tam and me to part ways once again. During lunch I sat with some friends I've known for a long time, then it was off to art. Its funny cause the art teacher is my aunts best friend, so she and I normally spend a good part of the class talking after the art class was Science with Flooly! It was only a half block today so then the second half of class was a study hall.

"Hey!" I looked around but didn't see anyone, so I kept walking to class. "Yo! Don't you walk away from me missy!" I stopped and looked around again, this time I see Flooly right behind me. "Hey, sorry I didn't see you Flooly." She just shook her head and mumbled something along the lines of Not you too.

We took our seat in the front of the classroom and listened to another boring lecture about the class. Forty minutes later the bell rang signaling that it was now a study hall! We talked about our day and what each class was like. "Omg in lunch, it was so funny we talking about what kind of-." she trailed off. "I um, don't remember what we talked about actually." She was avoiding my eyes, Flooly is a good liar, but she's not good at keeping secrets. She was hiding something from me.

After class, we walked to my locker which Tam and Layla were talking quietly to each other while Layla was laughing her head off. Once I showed up all the talking and laughing stopped. I gave them all confused looks, which Layla then started a random conversation about a new show she was watching. Within no time we were all chatting and laughing normally.

Once outside we all went to our buses. Layla and I chose a seat in the front like normal and continued to chat about each of our classes and how they were and who was in them with us. It was a nice way to end the first day, just my cousin and me chatting on an overcrowded bus on our way home.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Just a quick note, at school there are 2 class length methods — periods which are around 40 minutes with about eight classes a day and Blocks which are 80 minutes with only four classes a day. Anyways, like and leave a comment please, I love feedback! Have a great holiday season! Peace ☮

Second Star to the LeftNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ