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Matt's pov:

I sat on the seat in the airport and Sky was sat on my legs alseep. About 20 minuets after we got there she began to feel sleepy so i sat her on my lap and she nuzzled  her head into my neck. It was ok because no one could tell it was me because i had hat and glasses on. I didn't want a student noticing me and Sky together. I couldn't loose her.I wouldn't loose her.Talia and Ben came back from getting food and handed me a coffe and then she nudged Sky waking her up and handed her a Tea since thats all she ever drinks. We all sat down and i could tell Sky was upset about something so i grabbed her hand and told Talia and Ben we were going to get some more Tea and coffe before walking off with a confused Skylar hanging off my arm.

"ok what's wrong?"

"what do you mean?"

"i've known you under 6 months and i know when somethings wrong with you. You do this thing where you become really quiet, bite your nails and play with your hair."

"im just scared ok"


"ok you have to promise to keep your mouth shut. Im afraid of planes. I went on one with my mum and dad when i was 8 and...well if we had of set off on that plane i wouldn't have been here"(this actually happened to me on the way home from Spain if my plane would have set off i wouldn't have been here to write this story for you lovely people thought id use it in the story) i nodded my head and she began to cry. I cuddled her and sat her on a bench before sitting her in my lap.

"it's here and i promise you this plane ride will go well and nothing will happen hat isn't supposed to"

"ok but if we die. My ghost is going to kick your ghost's but you got that"

"yes. i get that" i kissed her and wiped her tears that had fallen and we made our way back to Talia and Ben who were yet again making out. People were staring at them and i sat on Ben's knee causing them to break apart. Talia walked over to Sky and asked her what was wrong? she just said she felt a bit sick.

" Flight 234 now boarding to Sandiego" I grabbed Sky's hand and squeezed it. Reasuring her that everything would be ok. Before finall boarding the plane and sitting in our assigned seats. i felt Sky tense up and i put my arm around her waist. The plane began to set off after the stewardess had explained the exits and what ever else she went on about.

"sky why dont you get some sleep. The plane ride will go by quicker and before you know it we will be at Sandiego.Then tommorow is Comic Con" I saw Sky's eyes widen and a smile spread across her lips.


"ye...wait did you not know?" I felt Talia grab the back of my hair and drag my head back to hit the seat.


"WELL.CRAP...erm suprise Sky" i said dumbly. We were going for her birthday i thought she knew.

"it's ok babe im glad you told me. I love you2

"i love you two" She kissed me before leaning her head on my shoulder and quickly drifting off to sleep.

Sky's pov:

I woke up and Sandiego sun flew in through the plane's window. I couldn't believe i was going to comic con tommorow. Everyone was off the plane and Matt was getting our bags. I jumped up before falling to my seat again. I forgot i had my seat belt on. Matt laughed and i stook my tounge out at him. We made our way inside the airport were Talia and Ben were waiting for our other bags and loading them on a trolley. My legs suddenly gave way as i didnt stretch and they were still tierd. I felt my feet been raised off the ground and looked to see Matt had picked me up in his back and was now running towards the exit of the airport. Talia and Ben soon joined us and we made our way to the hotel. It turned out Matt and me would be sharing a room and  Ben and Talia would be sharing another. She would be getting lucky tonight. Matt and Ben booked us in the hotel and Talia came over to me.

"so your birthday tommorow finally 17"

"i know i can't wait wait"

"Matt has a suprise for you tommorow after comic con"

"awesome i can't wait" I wondered what it was

"do you want to go swimming some time in the week...your not on are you?"

"no i came off last week so i wont be on all holiday luckily."

"ok that's good" She walked over to Matt and Ben and said something to them. Before we all finally walked up to our room and i collapsed on mine and Matt's bed. Matt came and jumped on me and began kissing me. He kissed down my jaw line and then stopped. i began to take his top off when he stopped me.

"no no no Miss Phillips we need sleep if were going to be ready for tommorow with all those fans"

"who care's about the fans? i care about you and me" He began kissing me again and then stopped.

"Sky are you sure?" I leaned up and kissed him again before we continued. But you don't want to know all that so light's out. Comic con was the next day but who needed sleep?.

He's called Matt smith and he's my teacherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora