Chapter One

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Dad, Dates And Dave

I doodled in my book as I waited for class to end. It was really dragging on. I nudged Dave's leg and his eyes met mine.

'What we doing later?' I mouthed. He shrugged, thinking it over.

'Movies?' I nodded.

'If anyone asks, I'm at the gym' he sent me a confused look. Then the final bell went I threw my book in my bag and stood up.

"I said if anyone asks, I'm at the gym."

"Okay. My place at eight?" I nodded.

"I think that new zombie film's out."

"Awesome." I know its supposed to be the guy picking up the girl but he didn't know where I lived. Nobody did.

"See you later, lover boy." I kissed his cheek before running to Dad's car.

"Who's that?" Dad said as soon as I got in the car.

"Hi for the first time in three days to you too, Dad, yes school has been alright and I haven't stabbed anyone yet." I said sarcastically.

"Hi. Who was he?"

"Kick Ass. My boyfriend."

"Whore." I heard Mindy mutter and turned around in my chair.

"Fuck off, Mindy, I swear to God."

"I heard you." my eyebrows knitted together.

"Heard me what?"

"Fucking him."

"What?!" Dad yelled.

"And how would that happen, Mindy, he doesn't know where we live."

"I know that."

"Well how do-" my mouth dropped. "Have you been following me?"

"Just going to the gym, are you? Stretching your f-"

"I'll fucking kill you!" I shouted. Dad stopped the car and I realized we were home before I punched Mindy in the face.

"SKY!" Dad shouted.

"She's the one that started it!" I got out the car and ran inside, up to my room. "Little bitch." I muttered as I changed my clothes.

"WHORE!" Mindy shouted, making my eyeliner go weird.

I groaned and wiped it off before redoing it and jumping out the window, landing on a ratted mattress that had been there for years. As I got closer to Dave's, the sound of sirens got louder in my ears. I started panicking when I saw a cop car outside his house. But then two cops were dragging someone out of next door and I sighed, knocking on the door. His Dad answered. How glorious.

"Is Dave here?"

"Who's asking?"

"His girlfriend." his gaze held for a second longer before he yelled for Dave to come downstairs.

"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend."

"Yeah, bye, Dad." he shut the door and I let out a laugh.

"Not awkward at all."  he rolled his eyes. "My sister's been stalking us."


"Apparently she's heard us having sex." I'm not sure whether that information or the casual way I said it weirded him out the most.

The beginning of the movie was okay. The rest was predictable. Apart from the guy's family getting zombified but they obviously found an antidote.

"That was way predictable." I said when we left.

"I know. We need films where it isn't a happy ending."

"We sound drunk." he laughed.

"I know." my phone started ringing and I answered without checking who it was.


"Get here now." I heard lots of crashes in the background.


"Get back home now!" the line went dead.

"I have to go." I sprinted in the direction of our apartment. When I got there, I heard Mindy crying.

"Mindy? Dad?"

I walked into the kitchen and my mouth dropped. Mindy was being fucking raped.

My Girlfriend's A Superhero? | Kick Ass (discontinued, incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now