Chapter Five

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Brawling Love, Loving Hate

—before i start this id like to apologise for how shitty the update rate is and how shitty the fic is in general, i'm really sorry—

I was at Dave's house a lot earlier than expected considering I'd ran there. I reached the front door and stopped for a minute, slowing down my breathing and calming down before I knocked. Nobody answered and then I realised Dave's Dad will be at work and Dave probably wouldn't be able to hear me.

The door was unlocked so I went inside and walked up to Dave's room, knocking this time. He opened the door and I smiled. He looked... scared.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, you want to know what's wrong?" he walked over to his computer and I followed.

It was an email from someone with a video attached. He opened it and my eyes widened. It was Dads security footage of the night I killed Sebastian.

"You told me you didn't do it."

"Dave, I-"

"You killed someone, Sky!" I could feel tears start to form in my eyes.

"Dave, he raped Mindy. I was just-"

"Just killing him!" he was angry but I could tell he was still scared.

"Why do you look so scared? I'm not going to hurt you, Dave."

"How should I know that? Fifteen minutes ago you were telling me that you love me, was that a lie too?" I was really crying at this point.

"But I do. I love you."

"Yeah, well, I can't love a murderer." I choked out a sob.

"Dave, please." I whispered.

"Get out."


"Get out!"

I picked up my bag from where I dropped it on the floor and left. I got to the road and completely broke down. I sat there and I cried and cried. I must have been sat there for at least half an hour.

When I couldn't cry anymore, I stood up, wiped the tears from my face and started walking to my house.

I walked through the door, dropped my bag on the floor and saw my Dad sat at the table.

"So, how did it go?" the anger started to build up inside of me.

"How did it go? You fucking sent my boyfriend a video of me killing someone how do you think it went?"

"He broke up with you?"

"Yes he broke up with me." he nodded.


"'Good'? Why is that good? I've just spent twenty minutes crying on the fucking road!"

"It is good," he said, standing up. "Because now you have no distractions."

"What do you mean? If anything I have more distractions! I still have my friends, I still have school, now I just have heartbreak too!"

I stormed past him to my room, slamming the door behind me. Mindy was sat on my bed once again.

"Why are you always in here, Mindy, you have your own room."

"I know. Just thought you might need some company."

"Were you in on it too?" I almost yelled.

"No. He told me after you left. It was kind of shitty. And he could have called the police and then we'd all be screwed." she stood up, leaning against my desk.

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