3 //Cas//

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  I looked at the various boxes of pasta in the supermarket. Jemma reached over and grabbed a box.

  "We should get this one! The noodles are dinosaur shaped!" She says excitedly. I grab the box from her hand and toss it into the cart. Rose is still asleep so Jemma and I decided to go grocery shopping. Neither of us could sleep very well on the couch. We move into the next aisle and find ourselves surrounded by sauces. We grab a few and continue making our way through the supermarket, putting food into the cart as we go. Jemma all of a sudden screams and takes off down the aisle, grabbing an item I can't see and cradling it to her chest. She looks at me excitedly, a sparkle in her eyes. "They have Nutella." She whispers. I reach to grab it and put it into the cart, but she won't let go of it. In the next aisle we grab my favorite juice, apple, and some chocolate milk. Jemma insists on getting Arizona tea since both she and Rose are completely addicted to it. We finally finish shopping and pay, and then we jump in the car. Jemma and I both love Green Day, so I plug in my phone and start blasting American Idiot. As we drive down our street, we see some boys all wearing skinny jeans who give us a weird look.

  "They probably don't like Green Day." Jemma says to me.

  "Yeah I bet that was what it is." I say. I didn't see any of their faces since we drove by so fast, but one of the boys had dyed hair and seemed cute. The song finishes, and Blink 182 comes on, making Jemma and I freak out, maybe Jemma a little but more. It's not that I don't like Blink 182; I just don't listen to them as often as Jemma. We pull into our driveway and start unloading the groceries. A sleepy Rose comes out of the door, seeing Jemma and me with our arms full of bags.

  "Hey guys." She says, still sounding half asleep. "Where were you? Oh wait, duh the grocery store. How did I not realize that?" She rambles.

  "It'd be nice if you could give us a hand." Jemma says, struggling under the weight of all the bags she's carrying. Rose quickly grabs some from her hands, and soon all of our food is inside. We all realize that we're hungry, and Rose and I look at Jemma expectantly. She's the only one out of us that actually knows how and likes to cook. She groans, but washes her hands and starts mixing batter for pancakes. I hear the doorbell ring and run over to answer it. I open the door and see a man from the package delivery company.

  "Hello. Is there any chance you are Jemma Sparrow, Cassandra Harper, or Rose Lawson?"

  "Yes, I'm Cassandra Harper." I say with a smile.

  "I have a delivery for you and your roommates. Three beds, three desks, three bedside tables, well, I'm sure you know the rest. There's quite a lot." He says, looking a bit flustered. I guess he has had a long drive.

  "Thank you so much." I say, signing the form. "Should we get the stuff and move it inside?" He laughs.

  "You three? Moving all of this? No, no, when you order so many things we provide you with complimentary movers." I laugh. I guess the idea of three people moving all that furniture is a little ridiculous. As if on cue, five extremely muscular middle aged men walk in, looking around.

  "Where do you want everything?" They ask. Jemma and Rose come in and help me direct them where to put everything. We also got the rest of our clothes and belongings shipped from London, so they put those in our rooms too. After an hour or two, everything's inside of our rooms. Jemma and Rose both retreat to their rooms, and I follow close behind, and head into mine. The flat we're renting is made for roommates, so all of the rooms are equal in size. Rose's room is directly across from mine, and Jemma's is at the end of the hall. Since our rooms are closer together, Rose and I share a bathroom and Jemma gets her own. Her bathroom is smaller than ours though, so it all evens out. After I finish unpacking everything, I realize we never ate the pancakes that Jemma made and I'm absolutely starving. I knock on Jemma and Rose's doors and yell at them to come downstairs. It's probably sometime around noon now, so it's more like lunch. I sit down at our new table in the kitchen and look out the window. The table is in this little nook in the kitchen and its right next to the huge bay window so it's really pretty to look out of, and I can see right into our backyard. Jemma and Rose sit down next to me, and we start eating in silence.

Dreams //5SOS//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang