6 //Calum//

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  I slowly wake up, blinking my eyes. I feel something warm on my chest and look down to see Rose snuggling into me. Suddenly yesterday’s events come flooding back to me, coming over to help with Jemma, watching movies with Rose, and her falling asleep on me. I look over to the other couch and see Michael and Cas also cuddling, both sound asleep.

  I slowly move Rose off of me, trying my hardest not to wake her up, and tiptoe out of the room and upstairs to check on Jemma and Luke. I walk down the hallway and quietly open the door at the end of the hall. I sweep the room, my eyes resting on Jemma and Luke snuggled up underneath Jemma’s covers. I have to admit, I totally ship it. I decide that I should surprise everyone with doughnuts, so I quickly scribble a note saying I’ll be back soon and leave silently.

  I get to the doughnut shop and order two dozen, figuring Ashton will come over and we should have extra just in case. On my way home, I stop by Starbucks, ordering everyone coffee. As I turn around and start walking away, balancing the seven coffee cups in my hand, I nearly run into someone.

  “Hey watch where you’re going! You could have spilled piping hot coffee on me!” I look up to see a girl with hair dyed light blue and a nose ring, with an annoyed expression on her face.

  “Alexandra! How come you’re here?” Alex (Or Alexandra, as I like to call her) is Michael’s sister, going to college in America. She hardly ever visits Australia since plane tickets are so expensive, but I guess cross-country plane tickets in America are cheaper.

  “I’ve told you a million times, I go by Alex! Anyway, I heard you guys were in Los Angeles so I decided to fly over and visit the little bro.” If Michael was here he would punch her. They’re twins, but Alex was born four minutes before Michael, and she insists on rubbing it in his face whenever she can.

  “Hey, you should come over to the house sometime. We all really miss you back in Aussie.” She smiles.

  “Yeah, I was going to stop by later today. Can you do me a favor and not tell the guys I’m coming? I want to keep it a surprise.” I nod.

  “Sure, no problem. I can’t wait to see you later!” I give her a hug, but it’s a little difficult since I’m holding so much coffee.”

  “Hey, who are all the drinks for?” She shouts to me as I’m leaving.

  “You’ll see.” I say with a wink, and walk out the door, getting into my car. I drive slowly back to the house, trying not to spill the coffees perched on the passenger seat. I open the door and set the food on the table, checking if anyone’s awake. Mikey and Cas are still sound asleep, same with Rose. I walk upstairs and look into Rose’s room. Luke’s awake, looking down at sleeping Jemma with a smile on his face.

  “There’s food downstairs if you need it.” I whisper. Luke looks up and smiles, pointing to Jemma. I’m glad he’s found someone that makes him happy, it’s been so hard for him after what happened back in high school. Luke had a serious girlfriend, but she cheated on him with a bunch of other guys and then moved to London, leaving him heartbroken and betrayed. It’s been really hard for him to trust people and let them in, but Jemma seems to be perfect for him.

   I close the door and walk downstairs, sitting on one of the stools. My mind wanders and I find myself thinking about the rest of the bands romantic history. Mikey’s a hopeless romantic, but he’s never had a girlfriend because girls at our school never seemed to like him because of his dyed hair and tattoos. Now that we’ve become more popular, our fans always tell him that they’re in love with him and that he’s there dream guy, but he never seems to believe the. Always saying ‘They don’t really know me. If they did, they wouldn’t really like me’.

   Ashton, on the other hand, always has had girls chasing after him, but he’s never been able to return their feelings. He’s only ever told me this, and he was extremely drunk so he didn’t even mean to, but he’s been secretly in love with Alex, Michael’s sister since he was thirteen. Whenever he sees her, his face lights up and he can’t stop smiling. I’ve tried to get him to tell her, but he just brushes me off and talks about how she’ll never return his feelings.

  And then there’s me. I’ve had a few relationships, but none of them ever seemed to click. But now that I’ve met Rose, something feels different. I don’t know, maybe it’s just jet lag. I hear a groan and look over at the couch to see Mikey waking up. He takes a few minutes to stretch and rub the sleep out of his eyes, and then walks over and sits down next to me.

  “So, Calum, you and Rose seemed really close last night.” He says to me, wiggling his eyebrows. I shove him playfully.

  “You’re one to talk. Don’t think I didn’t see you and Cas cuddling.” He goes a bright shade of red, and I laugh. Slowly everyone wakes up and comes to the counter, finding a seat. Rose is the last person to wake up, and she walks over to me and I wrap my arms around her. She smiles up at me, and I look around the room to see that all the other ‘couples’ around the room are in similar positions. Jemma and Luke seem to have gotten very close, he’s talking quietly to her and at one point he bops her on the nose. Ew, gross- I mean aww adorable. Soon Ashton has joined us and everyone’s drinking coffee and eating doughnuts. I clear my throat, putting my doughnut down.

  “So, I thought maybe we could all head over to our house after breakfast.” I look around, and everyone’s nodding. Good, good. My plan to help Alex surprise them is working.

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