Growing the family ch.18

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I had been months? weeks? I couldn't tell anymore, currently I was cooking while Chara would play with Viner. The little man was growing up so fast Inwanted to cry because he wasn't a baby baby for long. Already he was a toddler the terrible twos, I smiled and went to check in on Chara and Viner seeing how the two were doing. I watched them play as I noticed Papyrus quickly leaving the home. He had been avoiding being home do to his punishment for teaching Viner to swear. Apart of me was relieved however when he left, whenever I was alone or near him he would keep eyeing with a hungry longing gaze. It was unsettling and I wanted it to end, but what could I do? I mean sure Ineas with my rotten little BlackBerry but it wasn't like we were married or anything.

But I was still loyal to him and him alone,  I mean we have a child together. Papyrus and his lewd thoughts could go fuck himself for all I care, no wait scratch that he would like it to much. When he comes back I should just increase my kinkshaming towards Paps. Shaking my head I kept cooking dinner humming a soft tune as I get lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms sneak around my waist, quickly I turn my head to see Sans smirking at me ever so slightly. "what is it hu .." Before I could finish I yelped in surprise as He scooped me up and held me close. " I want another baby kitten~" Sans practically purred into my ear. Immediately my face became redder then Chara's soul as I began to try and sputter it a response to him. But nothing would come as Sans chuckled and began kissing up and down my neck.

Between each kiss and a small mewl from me I hear him mutter. "After all our wedding will be arriving soon~" He whispered to me before setting me down to tend to Viner. I try wrapping my head around what Sans had said my mind swirling and going all over the place. I felt like as if I could pass out at any moment. Quickly I backed away frokt the stove not wanting to risk burns as Chara came into the Kitchen. My back to the wall I began to slide down it until I had been slumped to the floor. Chara came up and sat in front of me looking confused. "you ok?" She questioned as I looked at her. "I-I'm getting married...." was all I managed to sputter as Chara squeals in delight, he eyes like stars as she began to ramble about the preparations for the wedding. Cake, invitations, the dress, everything. I couldn't help but groan at all the planning that had to be done,  This would take a long time.....

My new pet Swapfell! Sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now