Alphys the destroyer

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(Your POV)

I Heard a large crack I looked up to see a large bone and b-bloody ax, I shook in shock as Sans seemed pretty pissed. I gulped as Sans gripped me tight as I saw the owner of the ax, a blood covered lizard with scar on her left eye. She was super intimidating I began to tremble at how she stared into my soul with such hatred. Sans growled at her as he made bones surround us as if to protect us, I looked at him and his left eye glowed blue. I was actually sorta scared of him, but not as much as the yellow scaled dragon in front of us. "What are you doing here Alphys, you know how I don't like anyone touching my property..." Sans said with a rather menacing way. The dragon like monster in front of us that I now know as Alphys scoffed. "You know why i'm doing  this Sans! She's the last soul we need to break free from this prison!" Alphys yelled at us and I whimpered slightly. Sans apparently took noticed and growled as he sent bones at Alphys, I covered my eyes as I heard fighting between the two. I shook as Sans laughed like a maniac and Alphys screamed in pain? I opened my eyes slightly to see Alphys completely transformed, here eyes completely black, she was bigger.. stronger even...  I was terrified beyond belief, I had to shut my eyes again as Sans gripped me close almost digging his fingers into my arm. I winced and I heard Sans panting as he was attacking Alphys with all his might, I gulped until I heard nothing? I opened my eyes to see dust everywhere, I was confused at all the white dust in the air but ignored that when I noticed Sans he was covered in cracks. I gasped as he began to pass out, I caught him as he began to fall. Oh god what do I do I thought, I mean I could escape and run away but I can't just leave him in this condition. I sigh and look down at Sans and sighed, what should I do?


Short chapter but you know Alphys is dead how will other characters react? who knows.....

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