Chapter 14

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"Now, I have some good news for all of you!" I said, nerves picking up inside of me as I glanced at Astrid.

She came up and stood beside me, slipping her hand into mine. This action sent Berk into a wave of whispering.

"We are pleased to announce that we're expecting." I said simply. Astrid squeezed my hand tightly a second before they started to react.

I don't think I've ever seen so mixed reactions from what should be great news. The gang, Gobber and Mum cheered and celebrated, as though they've just heard. Most of Berk seemed happy, although only a few seemed as excited as the first time Astrid was pregnant. Some seemed bored, like they weren't expecting anything from the news. A few even seemed annoyed.

"Yeah, do it again, knock her up, get our hopes up, only for it to fail once again." A man yelled from the back. I felt Astrid step closer to me, holding my hand tightly - she's scared. Scared that he's right.

The one comment created an argument. Many siding with Astrid, yet still a lot of people disagreeing with us.

"ENOUGH!!" I screamed, although my scream wasn't heard by anyone. The gang was trying to break up the fight, although Snotlout was in the mist of all of it, defending Astrid.


The chaos exploded around me. All I could do was sit and watch, Hiccups hand left mine as he ran to break up the fights, leaving me alone.

I felt scared. I was flustered, my heart was beating quicker than what I think is healthy, my stomach was twisted in knots and I felt like I was about to throw up - and not just because I'm pregnant.

I was having a panic attact.

I've had these once or twice before, when I was feeling alone or overwhelmed. I've always managed to just stay still as though nothing was happening, acting as if I didn't feel like collapsing from exhaustion. The last time was when Stoick was hit. I managed to run to Hiccups side and take care of him while my body could barely function. The death of my father in law was too sudden and the thought of Hiccup without Stoick was unthinkable. But I pulled it together.

But I don't think I can now.

I run from the hall, leaving the chaos behind, running, running. Don't stop, please. Don't go back there.

Idk. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Random Idea I thought I'd add. Astrid hiding panic attacts. What do you reckon??

M Xxx

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