"Do they have a translator?" she asked "No but I know Rih and Solana can probably get us somewhere." I said getting my phone out I looked up at the girl she stared at me with anger and hurt I talked to Rih and Lana and they said they would come. I hung up the phone and looked at my mom "She won't eat the food here, the doctor said that if she doesn't she'll be here longer." I said "Well pull up some restaurants or something on your phone and show her some of the food and see what she picks" she said trying to come up with something, I pulled up the McDonald's website to see if she'd choose something and I sat my phone near her and she just looked between me and the phone "qu'est-ce que c'est, je ne veux pas avoir d'ennuis(what is that, I don't want to et in trouble.)" she said with her face barely over her legs then moving back to her fetal position.

I went next to her and she became stiff just watching my movements I got on my phone and scrolled through the food and I looked at her seeing she was eyeing the food then she looked at me still scared "Do you want to eat this?" I asked "Manger? Je ne connais que les restes, c'est tout ce qu'il m'a nourri(Eat? I only know leftovers that's all he fed me)" she spoke. I was about to call Rih when she called me asking for the room number then she walked in with Lana "Hey Mama Carol I didn't know you were here." she said hugging her and Solana did the same "Oh non, s'il te plait laisse je ne veux plus faire ça je sais qu'il t'a envoyé mais s'il te plait ne le fais pas(Oh no, please leave I don't wanna do that anymore I know he sent you but please don't do it)" she spoke "What is she saying?" I asked "She said no, please leave something about a man and that she doesn't want to do it anymore." Rih said "She said that she doesn't want to do it anymore that he sent us, she begging us not to do something." Solana said rolling her eyes at Rih "Aye I got some of it." Rih said.

"Can you tell her she needs to tell me what she wants to eat." I said to Solana "Que voulez-vous manger?(What do you want to eat)" she looked at Lana then at me "Vous pouvez parler français?( You can speak French)" "Oui, nous essayons de vous aider.(Yes, were trying to help you)" Solana said with a light smile "J'ai seulement mangé des restes(I've only eaten leftovers)" "Umm we've got a problem." Solana said "what?" I asked "She doesn't know what exactly food is" she said with a small chuckle "She said she's only eaten leftovers." "Well shit, I'll get her some chicken from somewhere." my mom said "OOhh can I get some food too please?" Rih said "Now I gotta feed all y'all asses huh?" she said looking back at us as we nodded our heads except the girl.

"Can you ask her her name?" I said "Quel est ton nom?(whats your name)" "Beyonce Knowles". We all stopped and looked at her, her voice was beautiful it was deep but not in a masculine way more of a seducing way. "Well... that was, different" Rih said I just stared at Beyonce "Ask her how old she is." I said Solana nodded "Quel âge avez-vous?" "dix-sept,quand puis-je partir(17, when can I leave)?" "She said 17 and when can sh e leave." "Tell her we'll talk about that later." I said she translated it to her and she sadly nodded. My mom came back and gave me my food and her's "So what did y'all get so far?" my mom asked "She's 17 and her name is Beyonce" I said making the girl look at me I lightly smiled at her "Go ahead and eat" I said "Aller de l'avant et manger" Lana said Beyonce looked at me for a second then took a bite of her food.

She ate like she hadn't eaten in years "Slow down, we can get you more.""Ralentis, on peut t'en avoir plus" she nodded at Solana's words and slowed down. The doctor came in and she stopped eating and glared at him. "I see you got her to eat. Did you get her name?" he asked "Yea her name is Beyonce Knowles, can you see if there's anything under that name?" I asked "I can check but I doubt there is, but I came to take her vitals and do her check." he spoke walking to her side of the bed making her put her food down and try to make a run for it "Hey, don't run he's only helping you." "salut, ne cours pas seulement pour t'aider" Lana translated. "Non je ne l'aime pas, il aime me toucher(No I don't like him, he likes to touch me)" "il est un médecin qu'il est censé(He's a doctor he's supposed to)" "Noo je n'aime pas ça(Noo I don't like it)" she cried while her checked her I pulled into me and rubbed her back "Shhh" I said kissing her head.

"Has she been doing this the whole time?" I asked "Yes, she's been like this with everyone, she won't hurt anyone though she'll just cry and whisper things." he said I nodded and looked down at her she just had tears running down her face and whimpering. The doctor finished her and said his goodbyes walking out she held on to me still "It's okay, you won't have to stay here long." "ça va, vous n'aurez pas à rester longtemps ici" Solana said "Puis-je simplement partir et aller avec vous" she said "she said can I just leave and go with you" Solana spoke, I looked at Beyonce and smiled and nodded at her she smiled a little and stayed under me.


So I plan on updating Neu Roses too but it might be a bit later if any questions always ask. What do you plan on doing for Christmas and what do you want? I know it's a late question but still...


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