Chapter Four

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You were running.

You didn't know why but your body told you not to stop.

You looked behind you, only to find overwhelming waves of darkness swallowing everything behind you.

You kept running, breathing heavily. An unseen stone made you fall, the darkness, which was black sand, grabbed your ankle.

You desperately tried to break free from its grasp. After kicking with all your night, you were finally free and running again.

A frozen lake appeared in front of you and when you reached the middle the ice broke.

You fell inside the cold water desperately trying to swim back up but your body was frozen, you couldn't move.

You started screaming for help, fear almost paralyzing you completely, but you kept fighting trying to move your legs.

The black sand started pulling you towards the bottom of the lake, your arms finally moving, trying to catch something to stop you from sinking.

Your vision was getting blurry for the lack of oxygen when suddenly a pale hand made its way from the bottom and as it pulled you out...

You woke up, gasping.

You looked around you, unsure of where you were. Relief washed over you as you noticed you were in your room, a sigh leaving your lips.

Your cheeks felt wet, you were crying. You stood up from your bed and walked towards your window. Opening the curtains you looked up.

The moon was shining brightly relaxing you in a mysterious way. You smiled, feeling better.

"It was just a nightmare" you said, as if assuring the moon "I'm okay"

Ever since you were little, you found comfort talking to the moon. It calmed you down and also made you feel less lonely and afraid. It was as if it was watching over you.

You sighed contently, closing your eyes. After a few minutes you went back to bed, no dreams for the rest of night.


"How did you slept?" Pippa asked you, placing your plate in front of you.

"I had a nightmare" you said, Pippa's smile faded, a worried expression on her face.

"Tell me about it"

As you told her, her expression softened but you knew something was off.

"Don't worry sweetie, it was just a bad dream" you said giving you a kiss on the head.

You nodded, finishing your breakfast.

"I'm going on a small work trip" Pippa said


"Don't worry, I'll be back before your winter dance and your skating presentation"

"You really don't need to worry, I can do it by myself"

"You'll be the opening to the season festival! I won't miss it for the world" she smiled and you smiled back at her.

"I'll be going, it's late" you said grabbing your backpack.

"Be careful" Pippa said kissing your cheek.

"I will"

As soon as you left you house, Pippa ran towards her room.

He frantically searched for one of the magic globes North gave her. When she found it, she whispered the place and threw it,quickly jumping inside it.

Dreamsand Memories (Jack Frost x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon