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The sun shone brightly as its rays seeped through the curtains and unto the skin of a certain sleeping beauty. The woman's eyes fluttered open as she heard the sound of the birds chirping.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning, looking for a certain person who is currently absent in their shared bed. The covers fell from her naked body and unto the floor as she got down from her bed to pick up and wear her clothes which she had thrown to the floor last night out of laziness.

As she was about to leave her room, she felt somewhat tipsy, light headed, and a bit sick. She felt like she wanted to puke but she shook it all away, thinking that it would go away anyway.

(oh it rhymes!)

While walking down the hallways, a certain blunette saw her as she passed by with a rather weird way of walking and a hand on her mouth. Usually, she'd greet him when she sees him but today, it was different. She didn't even stop by, most likely because she's too concentrated on something painful she's feeling. To him, she looked absolutely sick. Worried, the man went to her and called her softly.

"Sheba. "

Still no answer. He then called out to her with a louder voice.

"Sheba! "

Surprised, Sheba turned around and waved at her lover after calming down. She tried her best to give him a happy greeting despite her state.

"G-good morning, Solomon! "

Her greeting came out rather weak. Solomon wondered why she could be acting this way.

"Sheba, is something wrong? "

The woman thought for a moment and answered, "I'm fine!... Just a bit dizzy..." She didn't want him to worry; he had too many things to worry about.

Suddenly, she felt the need to puke so she turned her back and covered her mouth before it was too late. She was feeling more sick and dizzy than before.

Solomon looked at her with a doubtful and worried face.

"She-" Before he got to finish his sentence, he was cut off as he caught her from falling down. Her eyes were closed and she sweated like crazy.

His friends were currently out today so they were the only ones left. Solomon quickly brought Sheba to the doctor with his magic and waited as he settled her down the doctor's bed.

He sat next to her. In the outside, he looked calm but in the inside, he was truly panicking.

'Sheba, what's happening to you...' he thought.

The doctor did some examining on her and even used magic to verify if his hypothesis was true. After a few minutes, the doctor nodded and faced Solomon.

"Sir Solomon, it appears that Ms. Sheba is pregnant. "

Mixed emotions of happiness and surprise rushed into him. Fear and worry have been dispelled as he heard the news. He didn't actually know that this was coming since it has already been a day or two since they committed the act and there were no signs but lately, he felt her presence becoming stronger than before. He then turned to look at Sheba lovingly and thought 'You never fail to surprise and make me happy...'

The doctor then explained the reasons of her acting this way and how he was supposed to take care of her. He was then given prescriptions on the medicines to give her in times of sickness and weakness. A few minutes passed by of them having a conversation until a certain someone opened her eyes. 


Solomon helped her get up as she struggled a bit. She looked at him then around her and noticed that they were in a room with a doctor. 

"What happened..?" All she could remember was that she woke up feeling sick and blacked out after she was called by her lover. He smiled at her and stated,

"You're carrying our child." 




It took a few seconds until she registered what he had told her. Out of happiness, she launched herself at Solomon with great force. He managed to stay in balance despite the force of her tackle hug. She felt genuinely happy that they were going to have a child. She'll finally be able to give him something he had always desired:

 A family.

Unlike him, she somewhat expected this to happen since she prepared herself to commit the act for him. Thus, she knew the outcome albeit she didn't know the side effects so she wasn't able to conclude if she was pregnant or not.

Solomon hugged her gently as if she could break anytime soon. When they pulled apart, they both smiled at each other. 

"Solomon, are you happy?"

"Do i look like i'm not?"

He then brings his lips to her forehead to give her a small kiss. Smiling, she hugged him.

"Thank you, Sheba."

"No Solomon, thank you...Let's tell the others about this okay?"

"alright." :)


"Ne, Solomon?"


"I'm hungry."

-End- was it? Please like and comment down and tell me what you think!


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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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