figurative heart update?

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(I know nobody reads this but) HELLO EVERYONE

I just got home from my jOb because I have one of those now (crazy), but before I get into that.

I don't think I talked about this yet..... anyway, explanation.
So the guy I had a "crush" on, I don't have that anymore because idk my brain is weird and it was never a real crush I just thought it was....... so yeah. Okay now that I have that cleared up?

I went to work tonight and one of my friends was working (bless the lord). I used to have a crush on this friend, but then I told myself no.

Welllll, telling myself no didn't work that well, imagine that. So, I always thought about her, but I didn't see her that often, so I didn't think it was a big deal. Well *cough* now it doesn't work that way.... because we work together. And tonight I literally just followed her around the whole time, bc training, and the few moments I wasn't following her I was thinking about her..... (wow I'm crazy). And honestly, I'm not complaining because I had a great time tonight. Following her around is great, and my heart was getting ready to burst the entire time. OMG okay so when we were cleaning up she took her apron off and her shirt went up a little bit and my stomach did an entire gymnastics routine. UUUGGGGHHHH (that was a good ugh) the whole time I was literally just watching her aND SHE IS SO HOT, FUCK. *deep breath* literally every little, tiny, simple thing she did I just fell head over heels each time. I basically just watched her work the entire night and iT wAs sO aTtRaCtiVe I don't understand how one person can look hot as fuck doing aNyThInG.

I feel like this is the first proper crush I've ever had and my heart is racing just THINKING about her wtf.

Is this how it normally feels?? This is fucking crazy bro.

Yeah, that's my update ShE iS aMaZiNg dnskwjqjfnsjjs

Okay peace out losers✌🏼

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