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Life is so complicated, there are so many factors that you can either choose to ignore or try to do something about them. 

I'm kind of in the middle of all of it. I try to be aware of everything that is happening in the world but I don't take much action on any of it. All of the problems in the world are so complicated I don't know what to do to help. 

Even if you take world issues out of the picture, there is still so much stuff in my life to be aware of and try to help, and most of us don't have our priorities straight.

The most important, obviously, should be myself. My mental, emotional, and physical health. 

Next is other people and being kind to them and polite and respectful. I think I do a pretty good job at that most of the time. But, I could always do better. 

After that it gets really complicated. It seems like everyone's priorities are different, which doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. But, when everyone has it set out so differently, trying to figure your own priorities out can be kind of difficult. 

Even though this is going to be difficult, I am going to try to figure out all of my priorities right here. These will probably change over time, and that's okay. I think it's better to recognize that your priorities need to be switched around, rather than ignoring it and going on living life all wrong. 

So here it goes:

1. Myself- mental, physical, emotional health and hygiene. 

2. My happiness- figure out things that make me happy, stick to them. Don't do things that stress you out just because others want you to.

3. Family and friends- pay attention to the important people in life, make them feel loved, make sure they know you appreciate them.

4. School- whether it be actually going to school or doing homework to the best of my ability and turning it in on time.

5.Extra hobbies- from updating my story on here to making fanart to being active on my fan accounts on twitter, instagram, amino, etc.

6. Unimportant to-do lists- this means watching the 800 videos in my Watch Later playlist on youtube and successfully finishing all of the books on my shelf

7. Any political or public issue that I think is important and I should voice my opinion on (I really don't see this as a big deal unless someone or a group of innocent people is being abused in one way or another)

I think that's it. I'm going to try to go by this list from now on. This might be something that takes me a few weeks to actually be able to do the last thing on the list or maybe it will turn into my daily to-do/reminder list. I don't know I guess we'll find out. 

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