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16 January 2019 , 3:50PM

celery sticks 😔
Zac ?

zachary 💞

celery sticks 😔
whats wrong ?
what are you hiding ?
what were the guys talking about ?

zachary 💞
idk what you're talking about

celery sticks 😔
zac , please ?

zachary 💞
im madly in love with you okay ? and its stupid how he wont admit that he was using you to get daniella's attention.

celery sticks 😔
what ?

zachary 💞
im sorry ,

celery sticks 😔
no its fine ..
so he was using me and you knew ? but you didnt say anything ? you didnt tell me . we've been friends for so long and something so important and you choose to hide it from me ?

zachary 💞
No. I could see the way he acted around you how fake some of his actions would be and how he would always choose to be around daniella , celeste.. their together now and I know how happy you were with him , i knew how much you liked him & i just kept it from you because i knew that if i told you , you would have thought i was jealous and yes i am because Celeste , we've been friends ever since you were 4 and i was 5 . When our mums became friends at the supermarket and we would always hang out together , it sucks because i've always wanted to tell you but how could i ? you and your family moved away and i was just stuck at Dallas . I've always liked you when you told me that you found that dumbass geo and now when you were with jace so i couldnt tell you . So i just let us stay as friends because as long as , i had you ? im happy , im always the happiest when im around you.

celery sticks 😔
wow ..

zachary 💞
i know its alot to take in but im glad i got it off my chest.

celery sticks 😔
how stupid can you really be ?

zachary 💞
What ?

celery sticks 😔
oh my gosh zach. Jace and I broke up a long time ago , we broke up before 2019 even started and he told me everything because i told him to tell me the truth . Jeremi and I knew that you guys would probably come and find me because of what happened with Jonah . And jonah told me about how crazy you were over me so he planned everything together with jeremi and i just so you could tell me . And i like YOU too Herron , really .

zachary 💞
i can't believe you did that :(

celery sticks 😔
i cant believe i did it too

zachary 💞
soo do you wanna try dating ?

celery sticks 😔
Zack , if you're trying to ask me to be your girlfriend then just ask away .

zachary 💞
did you just ? zack ? im-

celery sticks 😔
* zach

zachary 💞
thats better :)

celery sticks 😔

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