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" Jace needs our help." We all run out to the living room to see Jace jumping up and down like a kid that got his mom to buy something from the store .

" Whats up with you ?" Brec laughs

" I'm gonna ask Celeste to be my girlfriend! tonight." He smiles

" You okay with that Diego?" Lizzy whispers to me , " yeah , as long as my friends are happy"


Jace got ready for his big surprise for Celeste while she was on her way .

" Hey" She flashes a toothy smile , he chuckles " Follow me"

He lead her to a area with fairy lights and a beautiful view , the waves were amazing .

He picked up a bouquet of roses , basic but it was her favourite. He gave it to her , " Celeste," he cleared his throat .

She smiled , already knowing what was going to happen.

"We've been talking for along time now and i love every single conversation we had . I knew I wanted to be friends with you ever since you texted me randomly and also because of your sass . I love how we just connected so quickly, its basic but i really fell inlove with you on our first date when I saw you , when you smile , it lights up my whole world. I like you so so much Celeste, i really do and i-"

" I'll be your girlfriend Jace" She finished his sentence , he smiles and picks her up .

" I really like you too" She giggles , then their lips connected .

He puts her down , " how much effort did you put on this?" she asks

" Alot, it was more effort than i put in trying to rehearse my lines" He jokes , she laughs .

short chapter!! sorry but i'll write a really long chapter soonn

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