part two

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Cody woke up early that morning. He wanted to make sure everything was right when Santa arrived. This was the day he would see Santa Claus for the first time. This was the day he would prove to Bobby that Santa is real. He ran downstairs and into the kitchen. His mother was already up and making preparation for Christmas dinner.

"Morning mom."

"Good morning Cody. You're up early this morning."

"You mailed my letter right?"

"Yes, Cody, I did."

"Oh, you're making the cookies? Good, make sure there is enough milk in the house."

His mother looked up at him and smiled. "Someone is really excited this Christmas. I thought your father would be up by now. I told him I need the extra help. Your grandparents and aunts and uncles are coming over for dinner tomorrow."

"Oh, that's so cool. I haven't seen grandpa in a while. Can Bobby spend Christmas with us too?"

"Well, wouldn't Bobby's family want him to spend Christmas with them?"

"Bobby's parents are really busy. They'll be away for Christmas, and he said he'd rather stay here than to spend Christmas with his aunt Shirley and her two kids who hate him."

"Well, sure he can if his parents agree to it."

"Okay, mom. Thank you. I'll let him know," Cody said as he headed for the stairs.

"Cody, I thought you were here to help me, and I did say if his parents agree," his mother called after him.

Cody called Bobby and told him what his mother said, and then he went back to help her in the kitchen.

In the evening Bobby came over with his clothes and binoculars.
Mrs. Walters served dinner and they all ate around the dining table.
After dinner, the boys helped tidy the kitchen and then went up to their room.

They sat on the bed and played with the snakes and ladder game that Cody got the Christmas before.

"When do you think your parents will fall asleep?"

"They usually go to sleep by ten. She'll soon come to check on us."

"And what time do you expect Santa Claus?"

"I don't know. I guess he comes when everybody is sleeping. That's why nobody ever sees him."

"Well, the stories say he comes on Christmas Eve and Christmas eve ends at eleven fifty-nine tonight. Let's say something happens and he's late, then I'll give him until twelve and when he doesn't show up by then, you'll admit that he isn't real okay?"

"He is real. I know it."

"Okay, we'll find out tonight."

Later that night the boys waited until the house was quiet. Even the dog was asleep.  They quickly changed out of their pajamas and into some dark clothing. The only lights that were on inside the house were the ones on the Christmas tree in the living room. The boys tip-toed down the stairs in ninja style. They were even holding their breaths. Bobby opened the door and made sure it didn't creak. Cody was first to step outside. Bobby slowly closed the door and they crept out into the chilly night air.
They climbed the stairs that led to the chimney and made sure not to step hard on the roof.

"Cody, let's kneel down and crawl over to the chimney. You're getting so fat that your footsteps are echoing. And couldn't you have found something black to wear? That gray shirt looks a bit pale now that we're in the dark," Bobby whispered.

Bobby put the tiny flashlight in his mouth and they got down on their knees and crept over to sit beside the chimney.
They sat there on the roof looking at the scenery of the houses around them and whispered to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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