"What is it?"

"I need a moment to, recollect my thoughts if that's alright." The group leader nodded and kenji walked off. When he got out of earshot and sight he broke down. He just cried and cried and he started to puke as well.

"Why....why is this..." He barfed again. "I can't...." When he walked out he was hit by a girl who was trying to run. She tripped up and looked at kenji with horror. Kenji saw her and realized that the POI was her. She scrambled to her feet and continued to run. Before she was gunned down by an MG. Kenji could only watch in horror as the events unfolded. The mission was over, the POI was eliminated and that meant an immediate EVAC. Later that day he slipped out of the group as they were leaving.

"Alright Kenji, what's the deal? We couldn't see you or the POI. All we saw was a guard firing his MG at someone." Jay said. Kenji was silent. He knew what he wanted to say, but for some reason it wouldn't leave his mouth.

"Well, we're waiting." Pascal said.

"She's dead...." Kenji said, quietly.

"I'm sorry, wha.."

"SHE IS DEAD! THAT MG YOU SAW.....shot...her.." Kenji repeated, a little surprised at how he responded. "I'm sorry...god damn Einsatzgruppen*..." Jay placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright, i understand. You were in the trenches after all. You actually saw the horror's we could only imagine." They sat in silence after that, sort of paying respects to the girls that died in the camp.

They called in the Black Hawk and flew back to the Gerald R. Ford, filing a report and letting Unit 2 know that they have to cancel the mission, and with them being the higher rank unit, they weren't too happy about that. Needless to say, the boys were relieved that their part of the mission was over.

Gerald R. Ford,two days after Battle....

"I mean, this is a nice gesture and all, but why are we keeping them in here?" Miho asked, walking a large building with Jay.

"I mean...they may be our prisoners, but I do want to, at the very least, keep them warm." Jay said. The building was one of the abandoned storage buildings that JayPac had emptied out. It still had some working systems like the A/C units and had more than enough room for the amount of prisoners they took in.

"I still don't agree with this, but, you are the co-commander anyway. Besides, I'm not surprised you two came to an agreement so soon." Anzu said, walking behind them.

"Yeah...i guess so. Anyway, i've prepared a transport aircraft to take the prisoners back to where they came from, as you requested Miho." Jay said. They loaded the prisoners onto busses and they drove them to the airfield. The boys, all armed just in case, lined up and watched as the men and girls rushed into the jet, a C-17, and find a seat on the seat pallets. The last one on was Nonna and she was, surprisingly happy. Jay noticed that she was holding something, and that Pascal had just reported up next to him, hair still messy.

"The hell happened to you?" Jay asked as the door to the jet was closed.

"Well, i wanted to make sure nothing happened while she was here and well..i gave her my SU-100 model...as well as ...something else." Pascal said, his hair being blown by the wind from the engine starting to spool up. Jay facepalmed and shook his head, before barking orders to get away from the aircraft. Soon the jet was in the air and climbed harmlessly into the clouds.

"You should've made them suffer..." Cody said, walking past Jay. Jay grabbed cody by the shoulder and stopped him.

"You listen here, i wanted to do the same thing deep down, but i couldn't. Its what Miho wanted and in all honesty, we could've let them freeze outside." Jay said. "So too bad, now get ready for the battle in a few days. I would spend some time with with Saori if i was you." Cody was shocked, he didn't know that Jay knew about him and Momo. Jay gave him a pat and walked off to find Miho. The plane back to the Zuikaku was due to leave in a few hours, and he wanted to make the most of being home.

JayPac High: YukiyukiteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя