
Start from the beginning

It was quiet and very comfortable when I heard the sound of a horse pulled carriage. I looked up from my Book and saw a carriage with logo of the royal family coming towards the estate. My whole concentration was now on it as I saw it coming closer and closer. As it passed where we all were suddenly it halted and from inside of it came a guy with brown hair and red eyes. He looked at the same age as me. He was fair skinned and his hair were short. He was wearing a blue colour vest and black pants with white shirt. As soon as he jumped from the carriage he ran towards Allen picked up a sleeping and hugged him and rubbed their cheeks while having a nose bleed. Ray was looking him annoyed and Allen was irritated from being woken so abruptly from his sleep.

Just when Allen was about to attack the guy when Edgar drop kicked him while Ethan catched Allen protectively while Edgar shouted profanities at the boy, "Let go of Allen, you pervert!!" To which the boy replied, "You already snatched him from me though." as he fell down. Others following behind them.

While this was going on three more boys came out of the carriage. One of them was the same age as the whole kicked by Edgar while the other two were Allen and Ray's age. The older of the three had brown hair with brown eyes. He was wearing just a shirt and pants along with black shoes. One of the young boy's looked like him except his hair colour was a little brown with hazelnut coloured eyes. He was watching the the whole scene play with a blank face. Until he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. The last of the three boys was hiding behind the other young boy he too looked the same age as him. He had the same brown hair and red eyes as the boy who being beaten up by the Edgar. Tears were shinning on his eyes as he fought hard to hold them back.

On the other hand, the oldest of three laughed as he said, "Looks like the royal family is the punching bag of the Kelis family."

Hearing that Edgar immediately stopped his punch and looked at him and the again at the guy below him. As he got off of him with a scared expression on his face. He was about break down when Ray spoke up, "He deserved that kick. He acted like a pervert." His tone was as if he telling us a fact. The boy got up as he rubbed his cheek which was red now. While Edgar's face was of a terrified person.

Edgar was about to apologise when he was cut off by Allen who ran towards the the two young boys standing near the carriage with a smile. He ran towards them and gave them a hug, "Garrick, Ambert it's been so long. I'm so happy. Let's play." While Ray walked upto the older guy and greeted him, "Brishen what brings the four of you here?" he inquired.

"Oh... yea!! We are going to study here along side you guys. Right now we were on our to Melinda-san and Reind-san." He said as he rubbed the back of his head with his right hand.

"I see, then let's all of us go together." Allen suggested. Brishen, Ray and Ambert nodded their heads in agreement while the boy named Garrick said, "Well do whatever you want but don't drag me in trouble with you." Ray and Allen told us that they were going to accompany them to their parents and waved us good goodbye.

They started walking away as they finished talking but Ray suddenly halted and turned back as he said, "We'll leave you behind Allard. Hurry up." Allard just nodded and ran after them. While all of us were left behind by them.


From the next day onwards we were forced to train with these four boys. Apparently they are from royal family and a noble family. Allard and Ambert were from the royal family and Brishen and Garrick are from the Forestyn family.

All of them were very hardworking and easy to talk to. Garrick and Ambert usually spent their time with Allen and Ray while Brishen and Allard usually spent their time with us and trained. Brishen was more focused on practicing magic while Allard spent time on swordplay.

After the training when we were relaxing and just was thinking how relaxing it is we felt a sudden drop in temperature. When I looked up there was a portal opening. It was pitch black and from inside was coming the feeling of absolute evil and dark magic. I wanted to run but when I tried I came to the realisation that my limbs won't move. No matter how hard I tried they weren't moving. The pressure exuded from the portal was hard to stand against. When after a long time I was able to move my head and turn it I saw everyone was the same except Allen and Ray. Allard and Brishen were lying down on the ground on their stomach trying to get up but finding it hard to do so.

I was anticipating something very dangerous and scary looking to come out of it but what came out was two beautiful people. One had jet black hair like a raven while other had red hair. The red hair one had made her hair into a ponytail while the person with raven black hair had let the hair down. They were standing their looking very solemn when he turned his gaze towards Allen and Ray. His whole demeanor suddenly seemed to have changed when he ran and hug them. Allen and Ray called the person hugging them Luci. That person loosened his hold of them and made some distance between them.

After that his look once changed as he was about to start talking to them when the girl with the red tapped on his shoulder and stopped him. He looked back and she pointed towards us with her thumb without speaking a single word. He looked at us and seemed realise something as he stood up and clicked his fingers and the portal disappeared into thin air.

When that portal disappeared suddenly the force that was stopping me suddenly disappeared too. We were able to stand again. That Luci person looked at us once again as if evaluating us. Then he looked at Allard and Brishen and rubbed his chin. And pointed at Brishen as started speaking, "You're quite strong but that is your raw mana only." Brishen seemed a little bit bewildered from his comment.

Ray tugged on his sleeves to get his attention when Ambert suddenly spoke up, "Why is the devil here?" All of us hearing that jerked our heads towards him as if to ask what do you mean by that but then a 'Hooo...' sound came from that person and we looked back at him. He smiled as he asked, "How did you find out that I'm the devil?"

I tensed up and so did everyone else except Ray and Allen. Ambert hiding behind Allard sttutered as he answered, "I... I felt yo..... your mana and was able to recognise it."

He never denied the name so means he is infact the devil Lucifer. Just when we were getting more worked up Ray suddenly spoke, "Luci, why are you here?"

Lucifer hearing this just smiled as he answered, "Of course, I'm here to kidnap you and take you both to hell. So now if you will." He walked upto them picked both of up and opened the portal again and walked off along with the red hair woman.

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