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Cuphead? Could you pass me the bread?" Cuphead yawned and handed his brother the bread. "Thank you!" Mugman opened the bag. "Ah Cuphead! I saw you with Bendy yesterday!" He grinned. Cuphead looked up from his Toast. "What are you? A stalker?" The Mug headed one chuckled "I'm glad that you two finally are real friends!" Cuphead sighed and stood up, "He is a nice guy and a good friend!" He grabbed this bag "I didn't notice it earlier because of my bloodlust!" Mugman smiled, "Have a nice day cuppy!" "You too Mugs! See ya later!"

"It's so cold... I'm shivering my ass up..." "Your jacket might be a designer jacket, but I seriously think you need a winterjacket!" Cuphead looked around. Bendy looked up at him. "Oh! It's Mister 'cough out flowers' himself! How's it going?" Bendys look got serious. "I need to tell you something!"

"Sooo you have the hanahaki disease?" Bendy found a small shop where they both sat down at a table. "Yes, I think so." "Wow... You seem to be attracting deadly diseases." "It's not really deadly, I guess! It can be cured through surgical removal!" Cuphead took a bite of his croissant, "Then what are you waiting for?" Bendy let out a huge sigh. "I don't know..." Cuphead was slightly confused. They both kept silent for a moment. "What do you mean? You'll choke on flowers!" "At first I want to know who I love!" Cuphead moaned annoyed. "If you die! I told you okay?" "Please help me!" Cup finished his croissant. "Of course! I would be a bad friend if I wouldn't help you!" he looked around and turned to the waiter. "Could I get another croissant?" "Are you even listening?" "Oh... Uh ... Of course! So where do we start?"

"Please tell me this girl is the last one?" Cuphead yawned. They found all of the girls Bendy flirted with. That means... a lot of girls... not 2 or 3 or 4... just a lot. Bendy nodded, "Should be the last one!" "Finally!" Cuphead was tired and exhausted. He was glad that tomorrow he would have a free day, because right now he couldn't even think about working. Cuphead yawend and leaned against a wall. "I'll wait for you here. I need a break!" Bendy nodded and walked over to the door. Cuphead was surprised for a second that the demon didn't tease him about his constitution, but then he looked at his friend more closely and realized that he also looked tired. And... hopeless? Cuphead shook it off. This time it wasn't a serious illness. But he did understand why Bendy wanted to know the person he loves.

"Alright! Thank you for the tea! I hope I'll see you again soon!" Cuphead winced and looked up. He must have fallen asleep for a minute or two. Bendy was walking over to him. Before the cup-headed man could even ask, Bendy shook his head. Cuphead sighed. "Oh man, that sucks..." Bendy was in thoughts and Cuphead waited till the demon also let out a huge sigh. "I have to think about an operation I guess... I have to meet up with Mister Felix again... Asking him a few things... and... and..." His little body broke together. Cuphead stood there in shock, then he kneeled down besides Bendy. "Hey... you okay?" he whispered. Bendy nodded weakly. He tried not to cough. "Come on...", Cuphead was still whispering, "... let it out!"

Bendy couldn't breath. Up until now throwing up those stupid flower petals hadn't hurt him. It was just annoying, but now... it felt like his whole body was burning and screaming. HE screamed.
Cuphead stroked his back slowly. He waited. That's all he could do.

Hanahaki Disease 《Bendystraw》Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat