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" coughed out this rose?" The doctor pointed at the flower in front of him at the table. "As I said, yes I did!" Bendy replied. He realized how stupid his story sounded. "Do you seriously think I would believe that?" "Listen, Sir!", Cuphead said  "I understand that you don't believe what my friend says but I was there! I saw it with my own eyes!" The man looked at both of them as if they were crazy. He sighed "okay you two! I don't know what kind of a game you are playing. It isn't possible to cough up flowers. There is no way that flowers can went into your stomach." "Oh I know a lot of wa- ." Bendy  kicked Cuphead under the table. "I'm sorry but I can't help you!", The doctor said. "Except for showing you the door- take this rose with you, please!" Bendy took the rose and put it back in his bag. "Sorry for wasting your time!" He said as he left the room with cuphead on his side "Have a nice day!"

"I'm not even mad at him! If I would be in his Situation I wouldn't believe me either." Bendy and Cuphead had sat down at a parkbench. Cuphead  was lost in his thoughts. "Maybe it was the first and last time! Do you still have that pain in your throat?" "No." - and it was true. The pain was gone. "See! Maybe you choked on a flower accidentally and it just decided to come out this way instead of...the other way!" Bendy couldn't remember even having a rose near his mouth but he wanted everything to be normal again.
"I think you are right!"
"I'm always right." Cuphead smiled satisfied about himself. "Oh yes of course, Mister Genius." "Oh  screw you!" Cuphead punched him laughing.

"Boris I'm home!" Bendy closed the door behind him. "Boris?" He asked again. Silence. Normally Boris was earlier home then him. Where was his brother? Then he remembered. "OH I'M SO STUPID!" He grabbed his keys again and jumped down the road to Boris' School.

Boris looked at him, still being a little bit angry. " "I'm really sorry Boris! I didn't mean to forget you!" Boris sighed. "If you prefer to go on a date with Cuphead instead of taking me home, you just have to say it!" Bendy let the spoon full of ice cream sink. "Boris please...I already told you that it wasn't a date! " "Oh of course not, loverboy." Bendy let out a small laugh. "Alright alright! I'm an idiot okay! What do you want? What do I have to for you to forgive me?" "Mhm..." Boris thought about it "Go make me some cookies and I'll think about it!" "Coming right up!" Bendy stood up und dashed to the kitchen. He could hear Boris laughing in the living room and he smiled to himself.

Hanahaki Disease 《Bendystraw》Where stories live. Discover now