Ch.1-Just Here

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(HEY GUYS!!! SORRY FOR ANY GRAMMAR MISTAKES-------This is a Greek mythology au. Erasermight of course. This takes place when they are younger so before the kids in UA are even alive So yeah. I made the book cover myself  as well and I hope you enjoy!!)

In the beginning Yagi Toshinori was abandoned. He had no one really. Actually he had no one at all. Just an orphan. He didn't have parents. They just left him.

Somehow someone found him. He was left in the woods. He was very young. He was six. Every time he thought about he'd think it was very horrible of his mother or father who did that to him, just abandoning a six year old. But anyways this woman found Yagi. She immediately took pity... and took the boy in.

She asked his name. Yagi told her. He was very afraid. He was hurt. Emotionally and Physically. The woman felt so bad for him but then she just smiled. She always wanted a child. This was her chance to raise a young boy named Yagi. She came home that day. Sorahiko her roommate, also a famous Olympian who called himself Gran Torino was curious about the boy. He didn't want to have to raise a kid. But in the end he ended up being one of the most important role models in Yagi's life....

                                                         --------------------5 Years Later-------------

"Engi!! Race You!!" Yagi yelled. He began running across the field. His smile widening he was his birthday and Gran Torino the famous Olympian who raised him decided to take him to the stadium. Enji was a son of a famous Olympian. Enji also was really cool and strong. Though he did have an extremely fiery personality and he was way too competitive Yagi was friends with the boy.

Well Enji didn't consider them friends really. He kinda bullied Yagi. With some of his other friends. They thought of the blonde haired boy as some sort of outcast. Considering he was adopted. It wasn't a secret everyone knew. Enji caught up with Yagi and pushed him to the ground. Then he just kept running on.

Yagi hit the ground. He fell straight on his face. He was still a kid and was a bit oblivious. So he just got up. His nose now bloody. He just laughed. He didn't realize Enji didn't like him. Soon the pain began to come to Yagi. His laughs turned into sobs. Gran Torino spotted the boy and immediately went over to him.

They took Yagi home. His "mother" cleaned him up. His nose was broken. Not to bad, but it still was bad.

He healed and was ok. But of course he ended up with a slightly crooked nose. You could notice it only if you looked very closely to it. He soon did realize Enji hated him. For some odd reason. Yagi got older. And as he became older he became stronger.

Gran Torino trained him to be a powerful Olympian. So did Nana. Who was Basically his mom. Every single day they trained Yagi. They trained him to be fast but also extremely strong plus to have strategy. There was something off about him though. He was strong abnormally strong. He grew to be extremely tall as well. But that's what also made him such a good fighter.

                                                       -------------------- Six Years Years later.---------

Now there he was. It was after the Olympics. Everyone was betting on Enji or Yagi to be the champions. The other competitors basically had no chance. Though Yagi wished them all a good luck, but Enji was rather cocky. That gave more fuel to Yagi's passion to win. Now here he is. Sitting alone on the beach watching the waves.

He sighed softly. The warm breeze blew his hair. He heard footsteps behind him. He turned around. Maybe it was Enji.

But no. it was someone else.

Breathe Me (ERASERMIGHT)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن