Chapter 24

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Jesse just looked at the Ravenclaw. You may like it.


Severus was angry. No, not angry, furious. He was fuming, and the reason of his inflamed anger is Layla.

Yes, that ignorant, little twit demanded him to help her destroy Kieran and Lily. Of course, he refused, simply because they are his best friends, and he would rather ide than harm them in any way.

(A/N: I know this sounds like a Gryffindor quality, but lets face it, the guy would have done everything in his power to protect his best friends, even if the sacrifice is to turn to the Dark Side and be hated by everyone.)

However, if possible, Layla became haughtier and asked him whether he has talked to his best friends lately, as they arent really seen together much. His silence gave Layla her answer.

Now, I doubt whether you will talk to them anymore, because they would not accept you back, you know, with your snake tattoo now. She said, hinting his decision to become a Death Eater.

His eyes widened, anger gone, shocked at the fact that she knows this. Layla continued, with a bitter chuckle, Why so surprised, Severus? You didnt expect me to know this? Even your best friends are suspicious.

Severus swiftly shook his head in denial. No. They cannot know about this. I am only doing this for them. I dont believe in the Dark Lords ideals either, but Lily is a Muggleborn, and he hates all Muggleborns! He doesnt like half-bloods either! But I am a Slytherin, which is why I may be accepted.

Kieran is a halfblood as well, so I am protecting them. He revealed a part of the true reason.

Layla smirked. So you dont want them to know huh? Interesting. Well, you told me. I might accidentally slip and tell them, because sometimes, I just cant keep secrets. She said lowly, with an evil smirk.

Severus glared at her. You want me to assist you in destroying my BEST FRIEND, just so you can keep my secret? Well, if that is the case, then you can tell them. In fact, tell the whole school! I would not bother you.

Laylas smirk slowly faded, turning into a glare at the Slytherin.

She spat, This secret will not only destroy whatever bond you have with your best friends, but it will also destroy whatever reputation you have in the school.

Severuss corners of his lips curved into a cruel smirk. Why, Ms. Chase, why does it matter to you of my sacrifices? Unless, in that frozen heart of yours, you actually care.

Layla scoffed, I dont bother with scum such as you. You are no better than the dirt on the soles of my shoes.

Severus rolled his eyes. Well then, this scum doesnt bother with the likes of you, and if you want to tell my secret to anyone, go ahead. I sincerely would not bother you. He concluded, ending the conversation between him and the blonde Ravenclaw.

She huffed, and stomped her foot like a teenager during her tantrum, while Severus looked at her, smirking, knowing that he won this fight, and told her, You can do whatever you want to do to me, but if anything happens to either Kieran or Lily, I have sources that can make your life hell.

As they went their separate ways, they did not notice two shadows lurking behind.

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