Chapter 25

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As they went their separate ways, they did not notice two shadows lurking behind.


[A/N: The media above has Kieran, with the Ravenclaw crest, along with Jesse with the Hufflepuff crest]

Kieran removed the Silencing charm from her and Jesse as they came out from one of the empty classrooms. The two shell-shocked teens were not only worried about their Slytherin friend, but also concerned about the uncertain future, which seems even darker now that the Dark Lord is at large, collecting followers for his dark, twisted goal.

Kieran kept pacing back and forth in the corridor, while Jesse sat down on the floor, watching his best friends movements, alert, in case she lashes out in a harmful way, injuring herself and him in the process, as well as causing potential destruction.

Suddenly, she repeatedly started punching a wall at a fast pace, causing Jesse to jump up and yell out a startled, NO!. He leaped at her, restricting her movement, twirled and hugged her, while she bawled out on his uniform.

He knew that would calm her down, no matter the tragedy. He muttered soothing words in her ear, while she was in tearful hysterics.

Once she pulled away from him, drying her eyes, he asked her the question she knew she didnt have the answer to. Are you okay?

She simply shrugged, I dont know. More like, I dont know what to think. My best friend, he is going to become a bloody DEATH EATER! What sort of cruel joke is this? And apparently, his reason to become one is to protect us. Is he stupid? How could he even think that this is a valid reason? She ranted, sliding down the wall on the floor, her head in her hands.

Jesse slid down as well, sitting next to her, keeping a hand on her shoulder in sympathy, rubbing it slightly. I know what he is planning to do is a very stupid and risky decision. But I also cannot blame him. He loves you two so much, he is willing to sacrifice his ideals just to make sure you two live to see another day in a prejudiced wizard society.

Kieran looked at him in disbelief. So, you think he is right? That he should go through with this decision that may end up with him dying?! No. I wont accept this. She growled out, determined.

The Hufflepuff widened his eyes at her implied plan. No. You are NOT doing this. He warned, shaking his head in panic.

Oh yes, I AM doing it. She said, emphasizing the word am.

Jesse sighed. Even if you do confront him about this, what are the chances that he would agree to your accusations? And even by chance, he does, do you really think he would listen to you? I highly doubt it. And there is no point by even talking to him about this. He is far too deep in this mess.

Kieran looked at him wearily. I cant just let him commit the worst mistake of his life! And besides, Lily and I are smart enough to protect ourselves. We are witches for a reason, any impending wars can be solved with spells and charms. She exclaimed with determination and stood up, her voice still hoarse from crying.

Jesse stood up as well. Well, clearly, I cannot convince you to not do this, so might as well tag along.

Kieran gave him a small smile, grateful of his support, as reluctant as it was, and rushed towards the Slytherin dormitories, determined to make her friend see reason as well as the consequences of such a decision.

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