The Mansion, The Machine, and The Man of My Nightmeres

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All Rights go to Marvel

Pepper's P.O.V.


Tony really is a charmer. This thought ran through my head as I unpacked the boxes waiting on my bedroom floor. It took about five hours but finally everything was out of the boxes and in it's proper place. The blotches were organized neatly in my closet by color and my desk was full of high-lighters, pencils, erasers, and a new MacBook! The only thing left was my medals and trophys which had a reserved spot on the highest shelf in the room. I spotted a rolling chair out of the corner of my eye and walked over to it. I rolled it over to the shelf and climbed on (yes I know this was a stupid thing too do but I was hungry and tired, what do you expect?!) In another hour I had my spelling bee, academic achievement, and countless gymnastics awards. I hopped down and turned to the bed the was the most important trophy of all. It was my nationals science fair championship trophy.

I climbed on but not quite far enough. As I came Down from my tiptoes my foot slipped and sent the chair spinning out from under me. Before I could hit the ground two tan, toned arms reached out and embraced me. I knew from the smell of chocolate and milk it was Tony. I couldn't, move I was frozen in thought. "What were you thinking I thought you were the smart one Potts?" The sarcastic voice reminded me where I was and I jumped out of his arms as fast as I had fallen into them. "Well thank you but why exactly are you in here?" I questioned this was a private room after all. "Well I you could take a break from your death wish, we would love to have you for dinner" he smirked. "Alright give me one second" I yelled at his vanishing figure, I then made a dash for the bathroom and just closed my eyes. I remember the boy who was rude as hell to me his morning, the one who made a point of telling me I had no friends, and the guy who let his friends humiliate me I. Front of a whole hallway full of students. I felt a tear stream down my cheek. But then I remembered the boy who made me smile when I had vowed not to for a least a week. The boy who caught me from a fall. The thoughts made me happy once more. And then I remembered how he chased after me when he saw I was crying who gave his best effort to smile. The butterflies floating around in my stomach were nothing compared to the ones in my heart. I felt so warm and fuzzy. Wow, pepper pull cupid's arrow out of your chest and snap jt in half. Forget your feelings, but this last thought lead me to a whole new question: what do I feel for Tony stark. I was gripping the edge of the sink so hard my knuckles were white. My breaths were shaky and my heart was pounding in fear.

There was no way I could ever, have a gigantic, unbelievable, magical. Indestructible crush on

Tony Stark....

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