Shocking Secrets

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  Pepper knew that the computerized screens and lock meant Tony clearly didn't want anyone in here. She couldn't contain the spark of curiosity that enveloped her. The door was opened a crack as if someone had lazily forgotten about the lock. Pepper carefully pushed the glass back, wincing at the thump it made against the other wall.

"Hello?" She called unsure of the damages that could come from this decision. "Tony? Hello?" Pepper finally deemed the room clear and began her obvious investigation of the "Workshop".

The first thing she saw was a long metal table. It was nothing extraordinary; the same work bench you'd find in any average persons garage. What captured the gingers attention was what was on top of the bench. Along with a pile of cluttered tools sat different pieces of painted metal. They were flung lazily in heaps of red, blue, white, and gold. There were also bottles of water and empty paper plates. Pepper smiled knowing this was the product of Tony's hard work; mentally she reminded herself to pick those up for him. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up when she saw a reflected blue light at the end of the table.

Pepper gazed in wonder at the metallic circle. It was indented with blue crescents that looked to be light but some sort of electric output. She gazed in interest at the circle, wondering what importance such a small thing could be to Tony stark.

She looked up, the circle thingy still in her hands, to see a holographic blue city.

Pepper gasped eyes shining as she slowly put the circle back in it's previous space. She ran over to the holographic city before slowing to stare in amazement. She took graceful and careful steps forward worried that if she touched the amazing design it would all disappear.

"Come on Potts, you can do this."

She lifted a shaking finger to touch what seemed to be a tall skyscraper.


Pepper yelped in surprise as the city spread around her. "Wait" she thought, "I can control all of this. She reached out again to zoom out of the city. Suddenly dozen of New York skyscrapers stared back at her. Pepper laughed in childish glee. This was her Narnia. Her Wonderland full of impossible dreams. She realized the holograph was of New York and moved around the city zooming in and out of her favorite shops and locations. She was zooming out of Central Park and rounding the Statue of Liberty. Pepper felt as though she was flying.She played around with the visual for a little longer before a golden glow blinded her.

Pepper put her hand up to shield her eyes.

"What are you?" Pepper asked herself silently. She reluctantly stepped out of the blue light and walked down towards the light. She stepped into a curved hallway with plain beige walls and yellow flickering lights. Pepper's every echoing step bounced off the walls back at her, reminding her she was alone. A chill involuntarily ran down her spine.

Pepper wasn't weak so she shrugged aside her fear and continued to walk around the bend.

Suddenly the darkness evaporated into the clear light of outside. Pepper stepped inside a huge dome shaped room. Rectangular Windows lined the top of the dome. The center of the room was a boxing ring with miscellaneous gloves, targets, soft mats, and fire extinguishers. Pepper's main focus was on the wall. Around the entire room where 15 glass cases that held suits. These suits were not the formal kind Tony had worn the weekend before. The were painted in different shiny colors. Red and blue and white, black and gold, plain gold, silver and black. The one that caught pepper's attention was red and gold. The streaming sunlight reflected off of the shining metal and illuminated every dent and scratch that had been placed their. Pepper glanced closely at the piece of machinery. A faint line ran from the center of the chest to the right rib. It looked old but fatal. As though a giant claw had slashed through it with every intent to kill.

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