Regrets and Revealations

193 7 6

For this chapter I recommend listen to 

Lost Love by Mattia Cupelli


Heartbeat by Carrie Underwood


Mira looked at her friend curiously. The red head hadn't spoken to anyone much of the last three days and started walking longer ways to class. Mira and only Mira knew why. Tony stark.

Pepper has come to school last Monday beaming and giggling at every word that anyone spoke. During lunch Mira had pulled the other girl aside and asked her what was up. After begging and pleading for the details pepper finally relented and told Mira. She had kissed Tony. Or he had kissed her. She was elated and dare Mira believe it, in love. Mira remembers that conversation because it was the first fight her and pepper had.

"It was amazing Mira. I swear it felt like I was flying or something." Pepper uttered with a giggle.

"That's, umm, well it's great pepper." Mira responded unenthusiastically. Pepper sat up to face her confusion clear in her features. "You." Pepper started awkwardly, "your not happy about it."

Mira blushed. "It's not that I'm not happy for you Pepper it's just this is Tony Stark."

Pepper looked as though Mira had personally slapped her. "Aw come on Pep. You know how he is."

Pepper crossed her arms, "yes I'm perfectly aware of how Tony acts with other girls."

"Exactly Pepper. You're my best friend. You can't be mad at me for not wanting him to hurt you the way he has all of them."

"He won't." Pepper responded eyes narrow and voice eerily calm.

"Why not?" Mira too was angry that pepper would choose a boy over their friendship. Especially Tony Stark.

"Because this is different." Pepper responded.

"Really?" Both girls were yelling into the empty courtyard. "Does he hold your hand pepper? Do his friends know about you guys? Has he told you he loves you? Has he even asked you out."

"Well no but-"

"Then how is it different, because from what I'm hearing he's playing you like ever other girl."

Peppers mouth hung open for a few seconds. Once she regained composure she straightened her stance gathered her belongings and walked towards the lunch hall. "You're wrong." She growled as she passed Mira and left the young Hispanic standing outside alone.

Mira was hurt afterwards but more than anything she felt guilt. Pepper was her friend and while she knew she was trying to protect her, she should've supported her more.

All was forgiven when pepper walked up to her Monday morning muttering nothing more than "I'm sorry, you were right."

Mira wanted to beat stark to a pulp.

At least she did until she realized pepper hadn't even spoken to the younger stark about their current predicament. As much as she wanted to tell Pepper to forget about him Mira knew that wouldn't be fair, at least not until they had some understanding of their current situation.

Mira knew Peppers current state was likely because she had found (another) excuse of why she simply couldn't speak to him.

"You still haven't talked to him have you?" Mira bluntly stated.

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