Epilogue part one

Start from the beginning

"I'm checking other camera's."Angelica said typing again.After two minutes of silence she spoke:

"They are in the nursery."She said.We all starred at the screen and there were two dark angels trashing and throwing everything around.I growled angrily and my stomach hit me hard making me shut my eyes and grimace.

"We just have to stay here.The room is charmed so they can't get in."she switched to a different camera view.Back to the first one to be exact.There were less dark angels now which was a good side.Suddenly Brandon's phone rang.


"Yea they are in the nursery.There was two of them just there."He said.angelica switched back and there was three more.

"Now there is five.They must think the children are born."He said speaking into the phone.His eyes flashed to me and down to my stomach.

"No not yet.Okay.Yea we'll be here."He hung up the phone and Angelica turned up the computer so we could hear them.

"We must find her or them...If they are still inside her we will kill her along with them.Well we were going to kill her anyways."They said.Suddenly the worst pain ever came in my stomach and I let out a scream that made me sound like there was an axe murdered right about to kill me.The pain was indescribable.I could say it felt like someone was pulling out my insides but that was only about a quarter of the pain.

"Bevs?"Brandon asked worried.

"She can't deliver triplets naturally!"

"How is the fight?"Brandon asked.This whole time I clutched my stomach as it moved around aggressivly.It never moved like this before nor did it hurt like this before.I felt tears escape my eyes and I felt my breathing become hard and laboured.

"We almost one.I can't predict it though.The demons in the nursery are dead.It could be another hour or a half."She said.The thought of being in this pain made me scream again and cry.

"Well we will try to hold it off."He said he picked me up and placed me inbetween his legs.I felt my nails descend and I scratched into the metal tiles onto the floor as I sobbed.

"Bevs....It's alright.I'm here."Brandon said.The pain eased off a bit as he placed his hands on my stomach.I breathed heavily,as my chest hurt from the pushing on by them.

"See?We can do this Bevs.Just me and you.Put your mind somewhere else."He whispered.I tried focusing on somewhere else.I thought about after everything.I will have three little babies who will love me no matter what and I will love them no matter what.Everything will be back to normal...I felt my breathing become a bit more steady but tears still fell from my eyes.

"Okay I found some things to help sooth the pain.Cross her legs."Angelica ordered sitting at the lap top.I crossed my legs but it didn't do much.

"Uhm...cold cloth to the head."She said dumping a small cloth into the water.She placed it on my head and it still didn't do much.

"And just relax...Don't think about anything stressful.And it says having a soothing conversation helps."She explained.

"So...imagine all the protection Juliet will get from her brothers.At least you can send her to school not worrying about her."Aneglica pointed out trying to make conversation.I smiled closing my eyes.

"How's school?"I asked changing the subject.

"School?It's good.You know at the top of my class.Which isn't a surprise."She laughed flipping her hair.I smiled and took a sharp deep breath and gripped Brandon's Khaki shorts tightly.I tried relaxing my whole body by just listening to the faint sound of Brandon's breathing.

"How is the fight?"he asked.That earned another pain that made me lean forward and rip the cloth from my head angrily and threw it across the room.I dug my nails into the ground again and drew in sharp breaths.

"They are done!Let's go get us some babies."Angelica said happily.Brandon picked me up bridal style and I gripped his shirt tightly.As Angelica opened the door.She went first scanning the area.She then opened the door and looked out.

"Looks good."We began walking and a sharp pain came in my stomach and I groaned angrily.

"I know,baby we're almost there."He said pressing a kiss to my head.I took another sharp breath and we were downstairs.

"We have to go now."Brandon said.

"The hospital is thirty minutes away."Someone said.I gripped Brandon's hair tightly making him wince.

"Take me to the hospital right now."I growled angrily.

"Yep.we are going."He said beginning to walk again.I let go of his hair.And I heard the door open and soon I was placed in the back of a car.Brandon got in on the other side and I am not sure who was driving but two people were in the front seat.I growled angrily and continuously scartched my nails on the door frame.

"Man.That's my car door."I heard someone say.It sounded like Damen.

"We'll fix it,Damen."Brandon sighed.The whole half hour was pain and torture.

"There are no damn spots!"Someone growled.I think it was silver.I screamed in pain again and finally Brandon spoke up.

"Drop us off at the front door."Brandon ordered.Soon the car came to a complete stop and my door swung open and Brandon lifted me out.He carried me inside and to the front desk with Damen behind him.

"Where is Dr.Norris?"He asked.(AN:Haha...Chuck Norris XD.Jk.)

"Let me page him."A woman said.I heard them page his name over the speakers and Brandon turned.

"Follow me."I heard a woman's voice say.We began walking again and we took a lot of turns and finally I was laid on a bed.

"What are you going to do?"Brandon asked as I finally opened my eyes.

"These children have to be done naturally."

"Why?Is that possible?"He asked.

"Yes we just have to be patient."she said.

"I don't know if she's willing to-"

"Listen,Veil.I am willing to do whatever it takes to get these babies out of me."I growled yanking him down by his shirt.

"Okay let's get it started."He said.

"Where is my little girl?"A familiar voice asked bursting into the room.I looked over and my mom's blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail and she looked over.

"Oh my sweetheart."She said coming over and smoothing my hair down.

"Why are they taking so long?"I growled.

"I know...Just wait one second."Soon my legs were up and...that's when the real pain started.A pain that made me want to stop this a pain that actually had me balling my eyes out.A pain that lasted for six hours straight.My mom and Brandon stayed the whole time.And after the last baby which was Juliet was out.I fell back.I was tired,exhausted,weak and sore from all the pain and I passed out.


AN: There is only two parts to the epilogue and I will be making a sequel.I usually always do to my stories.and the reason why in all my stories I make the people have really big families.And that is because I have a really big family.I have seven brothers so...yea.

Bye! XD


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