"Thank you, Your Majesty," Reepicheep said, smiling up at Lucy. It was only then that he noticed Aslan, who was watching the mouse with a rather amused expression. "Oh- oh my, hail, hail Aslan! It is a great, great honour to stand before you, and-" The mouse went to bow, but he stumbled forwards, and Phoebe saw that there was a stump where his tail had once been. She gasped a little, feeling pity for the little mouse. He might have been slightly ridiculous, but he was remarkably brave. "Oh, I am dishonoured to appear before you in such a way! My unseemly fashion is most appalling." Phoebe suspected that if the mouse could blush, he would be bright red. "Perhaps a drop more?"

He looked up at Lucy with hopeful eyes, but Phoebe could see that the girl's eyes were sad.

"I don't think it does that, Reepicheep, I'm sorry." The mouse bowed his head, looking to the ground, and the mice who had been carrying his stretcher earlier crowded around him, offering comfort. Reepicheep turned his eyes to Aslan, the great lion looking rather confused.

"It becomes you well, small one. Do not lose hope." The lion's words were comforting, in a way, but Phoebe could see the shame on Reepicheep's face. She knew how much the small mouse admired Aslan, and to appear before him without a tale must have wounded the small mouse greatly.

"With all due respect, I must withdraw all the same, for a tail is the honour and glory of a mouse." Reepicheep bowed his head once more, although Aslan still seemed amused.

"Well, friend, perhaps you think too much of your honour." Reepicheep's head snapped up to see the mirth in the lion's expression.

"It- it's not just the honour, it's also, um, the grabbing things, and the balance, and climbing..." Reepicheep's voice trailed off as the mouse hung his head in shame. There was a small but abrupt screech of metal, and Phoebe looked around Reepicheep to see that the other mice had drawn their swords, holding them to their tails. One of the mice stepped forwards.

"May it please you, High Majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honour so denied to our noble chief." The mouse held his head high, but Aslan simply laughed, turning his gaze back to Reepicheep.

"Well then, if not for your honour, small one, then perhaps for the love of your people." Reepicheep's eyes lit up once more as the lion growled, skin stitching together in the form of a tail at his back. Phoebe didn't think she'd ever seen the mouse look so happy.

"Oh, oh, look! Thank you, thank you, thank you, my liege, for I will treasure it always!" The mouse was practically jumping up and down as he turned away, muttering something about 'his great humility'. Aslan simply laughed once more, his eyes bright. He always had been a kind lion. Peter put his arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer, and Phoebe looked up to meet his gaze, both their eyes shining. They had made it through, beyond all doubt.

"Now, Lucy, where is that dear little friend you were telling me about?" Lucy blushed, and the other Pevensies chuckled slightly as Trumpkin stepped forwards. A small group of Narnians had gathered around them, and Trumpkin parted their ranks, moving forwards to stand next to Lucy. Trumpkin sank into a bow, and Phoebe smiled. Without further ado, the great lion roared, making Phoebe and the others tremble. Lucy stood tall, simply laughing as she surveyed Trumpkin and her siblings.

"Do you see him now?"


It was minutes afterwards, once the group had split in their own way, Susan with Caspian, Peter with Phoebe, Edmund with Lucy and Trumpkin, that Aslan approached them. Susan was walking with him - the lion had clearly split her from Caspian earlier. Yet there was no happiness on the great lion's face. He did not look sad, mind you, but he simply looked as if there was something heavy weighing on his mind. Peter's arm still rested over Phoebe's shoulders, the two of them watching the lion approach apprehensively. After all, the last time the lion had spoken to each of them so privately, it hadn't been the most positive of outcomes.

"Peter, Phoebe, Susan," the lion began, "I am afraid that Narnia may not be your home for much longer." So, it was as Phoebe had imagined. "You should know that when you choose to leave, you will not return. I wish you could stay, but Narnia no longer has need of you." Phoebe felt her heart drop. She had known that they would not stay much longer, but she had hoped they would return someday.

"Why?" Peter was the first one to speak. He didn't seem angry, more confused. "Aslan, this is our home. Why can't we come back?" His voice cracked slightly on the last word, and his grip around her shoulders tightened slightly. Phoebe rested her head on his shoulder, offering him a small comfort. It was the best she could do. The lion bowed his head.

"Peter, you and the others have learned all you can from Narnia. Your time may come again, but not for a long while. You must have faith in Caspian, and in the new Narnians. Someday, if the country is in need, you may return." Phoebe smiled a little, still sad. She knew Caspian would be a good king, but she wished she could remain to see it, just a little longer.

"What about Ed and Lucy?" Susan spoke next, and each of them turned their eyes to the lion once more. "Lucy deserves to come back to Narnia. She loves it here." The lion nodded.

"And she will, when she's ready, and when Narnia needs her. Lucy and Edmund still have more to learn from Narnia, and more to learn of themselves. You all have learned enough." At least it was nice to know that the lion was confident in them. "You will know me better in your world, for now you know me well here. I have faith in each one of you." Phoebe heard footsteps pass by them, and she glanced to see that Caspian was walking down to see Edmund and Lucy. "He will be a good king." Phoebe nodded. She knew he would be. "Use this time to say your goodbyes." With that, the lion turned away from them, moving instead to speak to the Narnians.

Susan left swiftly, walking down the hill to Caspian and the others. Phoebe and Peter stood there for a moment watching the river lapping at the shore. After all, the only goodbye Phoebe really needed to say was a final goodbye to Narnia. To the place she called home.

Although, she almost wondered, just for a split second, if one could call a person their home. Because really, in her heart of hearts, Peter was her home. He probably always had been.

"You know, I can't believe it's done. We aren't coming back," Phoebe said, speaking softly, "I'll miss it." Peter looked down at her, meeting her eyes. "Do you think it'll be the same? Do you think we'll be the same? I mean, we'll be back in England, at school, apart." It felt good to voice her concerns, at least. It had been worrying her for some time. After all, in Narnia, she and Peter were together all the time. She didn't really know how different it would be.

"The way I see it, you and me, we're bound to happen. We're inevitable. I don't think being in England will change that, Phoebe. It'll be different, but maybe that's a good thing. It's like Aslan said. We've learned all we can from Narnia." Phoebe put her arms around him, leaning into him further. "You know I love you. I don't see how leaving Narnia could change that. Not for us." Phoebe smiled. "We've fought battles together. I reckon we can get through a few years of school." She laughed a little, and he joined her.

"When you say it like that, it doesn't sound so bad." She smiled again, feeling for once as if she was at peace. This may have been the end of one story, but Phoebe knew that it was the beginning of another. And if she was honest, she couldn't wait.



i only have like?? 2 chapters left of this????

wow um im not ok

i'm not hellaaaa proud of this chapter but i'm probably gonna edit this more later so we'll see how we go!!

until next time (monday)

all the love, k xo

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