A Weird Boy Stabs My Package With a Pen (Which is Also a Sword?)

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He turned the package over and found the label. Olive squinted hard at the package, having trouble reading it due to his dyslexia.But sure enough, it read, 'Olive Clark'. Olive scoured the label for some sort of return address, but alas, there was none. He turned to look at Kate, puzzled. "That's so weird. It's addressed to me, but it doesn't say where it's from." She gave him a wary look, "Best not to open it. Who knows what's in there." Her eyes lit up with an idea, "Hey! I know, maybe Allen ordered something and used your account on accident?"

Olive looked at her, then back at the package, then back at Kate. He promptly smacked his forehead, "Oh yeah! That makes a lot more sense. I'll take it up to our apartment and ask him about it." He looked at Kate and smiled, "Man, what would I do without you, Kate?" She saluted while smirking, "You wouldn't last a week, Ollie." He laughed and walked back towards the elevator, carrying the mystery package in his arms.

On the elevator, he reached for the button pad, looking for the button with his floor number, 4, on it. When he found it and pressed it, he looked up at the floor queue, which, strangely read 5. He clicked the button again, realizing that the button didn't light up like it usually did. He pressed it again. No light. "Strange..." He murmured quietly to himself.

"Umm are you ok?" He jumped, startled at the sudden voice. Olive whipped his head around to see a young boy with dark brown hair and sea green eyes.

Olive sighed in relief, "Yeah, at least I think so. The button that goes to my floor seems to be broken." The boy tilted his head in confusion

"Weird. Well, I forgot to ask at the front desk, but do you know what floor apartment," He squinted at a piece of paper in his hand, "403 is on?" Olive's eyes widened in surprise, then squinted his eyes suspiciously. That was the apartment he and Allen shared.

"Why? Are you looking for someone?" The boy nodded and looked at the small piece of paper he was holding again.

"Uh, yeah. I'm looking for someone named Olive Clark. Tall, about 18 years old. I was told he lived here." Olive glared at the boy, "Why do you need to speak to him?"

"Well, uh, you see, he's in danger. Someone sent a package to his apartment. I came to warn him about it." The boy looked nervously at Olive and gulped. "I also came to invite him to come to a, uh, summer camp." Olive looked at the package in his arms, and suddenly he felt sick. Whatever in this package was probably meant to harm him. He looked back at the boy and sighed.

"Well, congratulations. You found him." He gingerly set the package on the floor and held out his hand for the boy to shake, "My name is Olive Clark. Now, what's this about my being in danger?" The boy smiled and shoved the piece of paper in his pocket. He took Olive's hand and shook it. "Percy Jackson, nice to meet you, Olive. As for the danger," He pulled out a pen, which confused Olive until he uncapped it and it morphed into a sword. Olive's jaw practically fell to the floor when he took his sword/pen and stabbed the package.

When Olive looked closer at the package, he could see something small crawling out of it. He looked at the boy, now known as Percy, with raised eyebrows. Percy chuckled and said, "Monsters." Olive looked at Percy incredulously, "Monsters?" He shook his head, "What am I saying? I mean, you just uncapped a pen, which isn't, a pen? Then it turned into a freaking sword!" He sighed, "Allen better have my coffee ready when I get back." He smacked his forehead and said, "Ah shoot! I completely forgot about work! Miss Dodds will have my head for being late!"

Percy's eyes widened, "Whoa, hold on. Did you just say, Miss Dodds?" Olive nodded, "Yeah, she's my boss. Why?" Percy started clicking the button for the fourth floor rapidly "Former evil math teacher. No time to explain. We need to get to your room as soon as possible." He looked at the floor queue, which now read 4. He sighed in relief when the doors opened. He grabbed Olive's wrist and dragged him down the hall. "Hey! What are you doing?!" Olive shouted in protest. Percy looked at him again with a serious face, "No time to explain, come on."

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