Chapter Eleven

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The rest of the week passed in a blur and eventually Friday rolled around.

The girls had decided to use their last weekend together as just that: together. They didn't want to have another raccous party and end up with another drunken disaster and a mess that, even now, a week later, they were still cleaning up.

Friday was a very relaxing day. Addie was sifting through the cabinets when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower," Tami kissed her on the cheek and removed her arms from Addie's bosom.

She nodded and after waiting for the water to turn on up stairs, Addie threw the chips she was munching on back into the cabinet and ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time.


A/N: If you want the part in between here, you have to be a fan.


Stepping out of the shower Tami dried herself and wiped the mirror off to see her reflection grinning back on her.

Leaving a towel out for Addie, she left the bathroom. It was a bit before she heard the water turn off and when Addie walked in the room, Tami almost laughed at the look of pure relaxation on the older girl's face.

"You feeling alright there?"

"Why yes thank you," Addie laughed being overly polite to be funny.

Tami sauntered up to Addie and cupped her chin pulling her in for a kiss.

"It's our last weekend alone, love," Tami said.

"Yeah..." Addie's voice trailed off. She thought of her parents what that would say if they knew...

"Is something wrong?" Tami looked worried.

"No, i-it's just..." She looked timidly up at Tami who, although younger, outsized her by a few inches.

Tami's jaw hardened, "What is it?"

"My parents."

Tami looked broken and almost immediately, Addie regretted the words she had said, "I just mean, they don't know I'm... I mean I barely knew I-"

"Hey, calm down..." Tami took a breath in, "Look if you want to end it...end us because you don't want your parents to know... I understand."

Addie covered her mouth with a shaky hand, was that what she wanted? "Tami, baby, I-"

The bleach blonde looked wounded and stepped away as Addie reached for her, "It's fine," her tone was cold and curt, "I understand."

Tami walked from the room, straight-backed and chin up, closing the door softly behind her, leaving Addie alone to think.

She sat down on the bed, processing what had just happened and finally answered her own question too little too late.

Was that what she wanted? No.


The rest of the weekend passed in an awkward sort of curt-ness. Both girls were too formal with the other.

Addie had wanted to be friendly, but was simply mirroring Tami's behavior which was easier to mock seeing as she, herself, was dying on the inside. That's something hard to mask.

On Monday they went back to school. They rode in the same car, but they didn't say one word to each other on the way there, at school, or on the way back.

Of course there was whispers all over the school that they were broken up, fighting, or even that one of them had cheated and ended up pregnant.

From big and insane lies down to the truth, Addie heard it all on her first day back after the break up. She wondered if this is what it would be like all the time from now on.

Of course things would eventually die down and the truth would come out. People would eventually just get the hint that it was a break up when they continually didn't speak to each other and also didn't ride in the same car to school anymore.

Addie figured she'd become absolutely invisible again, but by this point, she welcomed it. The past two weeks had been more than eventful for her and she missed her solidarity and solemnity.


Tuesday was the same story. Tami didn't say a word but "Good morning," to Addie, and the older girl felt we heart pang as she went throughout the day thinking of how things were to be when the girls' parents got home.

Tami and Addie arrived back at Tami's house and began to fix up the place as best they could, finally making it look presentable.

Addie was just finishing packing up we stuff after changing the sheets on the guest bed when she heard a car pull up in the driveway and soon after, car doors slam and a conversation with familiar voices reach her ears.

The front door opened and in walked her own as well as Tami's parents.



Author's note: THANK YOU guys for all your support. There's only going to be ONE MORE chapter in this book and then I've got a WHOLE bunch of stuff on deck for you! hold on 'cause it only gets better from here!

Don't be silent readers!

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Home Alone- GirlxGirl - ORIGINAL 2013-2014Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora