Chapter 8

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Even though Santana had been pretty against it, she agreed to have a sleepover at Quinn's place with both of her best friends.

She still felt super uncomfortable around Brittany and she was scared that she would tell Quinn, but she knew that it wasn't fair to cut them out like that without an explanation. Besides, they would probably make another plan just to make her explain.

"Are you excited about the sleepover?" Brittany asked smiling


"You don't look like you are." Brittany replied frowning, her smiling leaving her face

"It's just... we need to talk, Britt."

"That's what I've been trying to do. But you kept ignoring me. I told you that day that it was okay."

"I know that. And I'm sorry. Seriously, I'm so sorry for doing that, Britt."

"Don't be! Besides, it wasn't my first."

Santana froze. What if Brittany thought that what happened had been more than a kiss?


"I mean, it wasn't my first kiss with a girl."

Santana felt like she could breathe again.

"Oh! Okay, right. And uh... who was this girl that you kissed?"

"Some girl of the school. I actually kissed her because she was talking a lot and it was kinda annoying. But I also want to kiss everyone, remember?"


"Actually, you made me a favour! By kissing me, I mean."

"Britt, please, stop talking about it." Santana said looking down "So uh... do you like this girl?"

"How could I know? I don't really know her. I think her name was Rachel."

"Rachel? As in Rachel Berry? The nerd that wears a lot of sweaters and is constantly calling herself a star?"

"Yeah, she's the one."

"Well, I believe you that she was probably being annoying, but I don't know if I would have kissed her. But do you like her?"

"I told you, I don't know her."

"That's not what I meant, Britt. I meant like her."

"I don't understand."

"Do you think she's pretty?"

"Oh... I guess? But why are we even talking about this? We need to find Quinn, San! We've got a sleepover to attend to!"

"Wait, 'San'?"

"Yeah, since I'm 'Britt' I thought I could call you 'San'."

"Okay... you can call me San. But just you."

Brittany smiled, nodded and took Santana's pinkie before starting to walk through the hallway in search for their other friend.

"So what about Puck, Santana?


"Are you like a couple?" Brittany asked

"Uh... not exactly. I don't know."

"I totally knew you were into him." Quinn said "I think you should be thanking me..."

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about that. If you were so into Finn, why did you stay at Puck's after his party?"

"I don't think that what I do is any of your bussiness, Santana." Quinn said coldly

"Well, I don't think that what I do is any of your bussiness either but here we are."

"In case you haven't noticed, Brittany's the one who's asking you, I just said that I knew you were into him."

"Stop the violence." Brittany whispered

Both girls stopped arguing and turned to look at Brittany.

"Seriosly, what is wro-" Quinn started

"Quinn." Santana warned her "Let's just keep it Brittany-friendly, okay? She's part of this sleepover too, we are not going to exclude her now, are we?"

Brittany smiled at Santana and looked at Quinn expectantly.

"Fine." Quinn said with an eye roll "Brittany, how's the kissing thing going?"

At the question, Santana's body tensed, which didn't go unnoticed but Quinn, who raised an eyebrow but kept silent.

"Great, actually!" Brittany exclaimed excited "So far, I've kissed 14 guys and 6 girls." She said smiling "Oh wait." She paused "7 girls, actually."

While Santana was internally screaming, Quinn furrowed her brows.

"So... when you said everybody you actually meant it. Like, not only guys?" She asked confused

"Yep. Why?"

"I just... I didn't know you were... you know, that you liked... that."

Even if Brittany was clueless, Santana knew what was happening. Quinn was judging her. And if Brittany kept talking, she was going to make everything worse. Brittany was still smiling, poor thing had no idea what she was getting herself into.

"Okay!" Santana said clapping her hands "Time to change the subject."

"Wait." Quinn said, with her eyes wide open "Does that mean... that we're on your... kissing list too?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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