Chapter 2

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After another discussion with her mom and a bad night of sleep due to her mood, Santana Lopez arrived at the school early, as usual. She liked to be early because she could use the time before classes to talk to Quinn. She had met Quinn through the Cheerios at the beginning of the year and they had been friends ever since. And now that the year was almost ending, she got the pleasure of getting to know Brittany. Let's just hope they get along...

"Hey girlfriend." speak of the devil...

"Hey Quinn. Good morning."

"Not having the best day, huh?"

"Not really." santana said dropping herself onto the floor on a side of the hallway

"I saw you talking to that Brittany girl yesterday. Is your bad mood her fault? Because if it is I-" Quinn said sitting next to her friend

"No, no! It's not her fault at all. It's kind of the other way around."

"Santana that doesn't make any sense. How would that be?"

"I'm mad because my mom didn't let me stay at her house yesterday and the we got into a discussion because she doesn't trust her."

"And you do?" Quinn asked with her eyebrows raised "You already went to her house? Didn't you meet her yesterday?"

"Yeah, but she invited me over and I didn't want to stop talking to her."

"I'm guessing you like her?"

"Yeah. What they say about her being lost all the time is true but it makes her really funny."

"I feel like you're saying all this just because you want me to talk to her."

"Please. Give her a chance." the brunette begged "Besides, she's really friendly, I'm sure she'll like you."

"Fine. I'll try to talk to her at cheerleading practice."

"Actually... I invited her to have lunch together."

"You're not wasting time at all, are you?"

Santana just shrugged and smiled.

After a couple classes, it was finally lunch break. So as soon as the bell rang, Santana ran to the cafeteria. Once she got there, she saw Brittany standing alone and looking as lost as ever.

"Hey Britt." she said after tapping in the blonde's shoulder

"Santana! Hey!" Brittany greeted happily "I was looking for you. I was worried that you would forget about me" she said as her smile faded

"Never! Also, I pinkie promised it, remember?"

"You remember about that too?" The blonde asked smiling again

"Of course. Now come with me, I want to introduce you to someone." Santana said as she linked their pinkies together

"Are you promising me something?" Brittany asked confused

"Uh... no, but since we said that it was 'our thing' I thought that it was more appropiriated than holding your hand."

"Oh, okay."

Santana dragged the taller girl to the table where Quinn and some other Cheerios were sitting and sat in front of her, next to Brittany.

"So... I guess you're Brittany?" Quinn asked the another blonde

"Yeah! That's me!" Brittany yelled in exciment "I... don't know who you are, though."

"I guess introducing you was more important than introducing me, wasn't it, Santana?" Quinn said while glancing at Santana "However... I'm Quinn."

"Like a queen? As in king and queen?" Brittany asked

"Uh... not exactly. It's spelled differently."


"Yeah... so, tell me about yourself."

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