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Waking up with a splitting headache and really bright lights surrounding you isn't something that I welcomed. I tried to raise my arm to block the lights but I was being held down by something.

With much pain, I opened my eyes and looked around. I was being held on a hospital bed, thin rope holding me down. I then looked around the room.

Portals were opening and closing at random, nothing in the room was safe except for me. I squinted and tried to gain control of my powers again.

In a split moment of trial and error, my energy left me and my eyes closed for a second. When I awoke I knew something had changed.

The lights were dimmed and my powers, though still not under control, had slowed a significant amount.

I looked around the room. A body sat next to me, sleeping. A tuff of brown hair and some weird science joke shirt.

I poked whoever it was in the head and they lifted their head. Their chin still rested on the hospital bed but they were awake.

Beautiful brown eyes stared back at me and I instantly recognized who it was. Peter.

"You're awake..." he squinted his eyes and I stared at him. I tried to recall what happened before I passed out but was met by a sharp pain through my forehead.

"And you... well, you're Peter, that's for sure," I responded. What happened before I passed out? This is crucial information that I can't remember.

"Do you remember what happened," Peter asks me, tilting his head to the side. His eye brows furrow together and his face scrunches up. He looks kinda... cute...

I take a moment to try and remember again. Nothing comes up. I look up at Peter and shake my head, "I'm afraid I don't. Why? What happened?"

"You- uh, you might've, maybe... passedoutafterrevealingyourpowerstotheavengersandme," Peter gasps and covers his mouth with his hands. "Are you mad at me?"

"Peter, I couldn't even tell what you said. Come on, say it slower."

"Oh, sorry. You passed out after showing the Avengers your powers and kinda— maybe revealed your powers to me."

"I what?"

I stand from the bed and feel lightheaded. I had to go. I could feel my powers going haywire but I couldn't care less. I had to go.

I left the room and, in a mess of thoughts, accidentally tripped when the floor sunk down. Stairs. I close my eyes tight.

I'm currently falling down stairs. Why am I not getting hurt? I hesitantly open my eyes and see Peter gripping my arm, holding me from falling down the stairs.

And here I thought my powers were acting up again and brought me to someplace random.

Peter fixes his grip and pulls me up to the stable ground, away from any stairs. I look down at the floor and feel some guilt run through my gut.

Why do I feel guilty? Why do I feel bad for running off? Well, it was pretty reckless of me and kind of dangerous too. I probably acted like a child.

This problem wasn't even that big. I mean, Peter is Spiderman and he doesn't care that much about the fact that I know.

Why should I care about him knowing I have powers? What's so significant about it? Why did I over react? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I look up at Peter and meet his eyes. I feel tears rolling down my face.

"I'm sorry for overreacting," my voice cracks. Peter looks at me with such... emotion in his eyes.

He pulls me into a hug and whispers small nothings in my ear. Peter's sayings to make me feel better and his warm hug made me feel better.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Don't be," Peter responds.


I pull away from the hug, "do you hate me?"

Peter looks taken aback, "how could I hate you over this?"

"Thank you, Peter."

And I pull him into a hug. A muffled voice shouts out of a vent from about, "Peter's got himself a girlfriend~."

I close my eyes into Peter's embrace and hear Peter yell back, "shut up, Clint!"

"I'm so telling the others about this," 'Clint' says back. A camera shutter can be heard.

I hear Peter mumble a, "whatever," before resting his head on my shoulder.

"Quite a girlfriend you got there," a voice says. Mr. Stark. "Didn't think you'd choose her though. But whatever, I'll accept."

We pull away from the hug and Peter looks up at Mr. Stark. "Mr. Stark, we're not dating. We just met today and—."

His voice fades out and I think about Peter's words. He's right, we just met today. I got so caught up in becoming his friend that I became his friend. And now my heart wants more.

We met today. We're just friends.

Obviously. I'm stupid. My hearts stupid. Everything is stupid. This and these feelings and everything!

I move away from Peter and silently make my way down the stairs. Neither Peter nor Mr. Stark seem to notice and I continue.

I make my way out of the building and onto the streets. I walk for a while before hearing a voice.

"(Y/N)? Ah, (Y/N)! Honey, come here and tell me what's wrong," Mrs. Mardue. Mr. Mardue owns a small restaurant around here.

I turn around. Mrs. Mardue has always been a parent figure. Not knowing my mom or dad, people often take me under their wing.

Mrs. Mardue taught me how to cook and bake. She s great at it too. She often used my teleportation powers, which she knows I have, to get missing ingredients and such.

I turn and start walking towards her, "it's stupid."

"Well, it ain't stupid if it's got you down. Now tell me, what happened?"

And so I told her.

 Teleportion (Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now