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I wake up when I feel someone shaking my shoulder. Peter was lightly moving it from side to side, trying to wake me up.

I smile a little at him and he notices.

"Aww, time to wake up?"

"Pretty sure being awake is a requirement for the trip," Peter shakes his head at me. I smirk at him as he pulls me up from the seat.

I notice that most of the kids have already left the bus and I quickly leave as well, following Peter closely. Peter stops walking when we meet up with the group.

There's a lady going over safety procedures but I couldn't hear her so I turn to Peter. I watch as he pulls a card out of his bag and hangs it around his neck.

When I look back up I see the girl giving out badges. I walk over to pick one up but when I get there there's none left. The girls gives me an apologetic smile and goes back to her desk.

She soon comes back with another badge, this badge is a deep purple and clearly not for me. I do a double take when I see it.

"Uhm, ma'am. Ma'am, I didn't get one," I tell her. I felt my cheeks burn at the confrontation.

When I looked at the group I see Allyssa holding two cards. She doesn't notice me looking until one of her other friends point it out and whisper something to her.

"Never mind, ma'am," I stare at Allyssa.

Allyssa makes her way to me, smiling in a way that made her look innocent. I knew she wasn't.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I accidentally took two. Silly me."

I wanted to glare at Allyssa but I fought against it. After giving me the card, Allyssa tried to talk to me. I simply blew her off and went towards Peter.

Peter didn't know what happened but when he saw me coming back he smiled. I smiled back.

"What happened? I turn around and you're gone," Peter sounds slightly relieved that I'm back and I figure it's because Flash doesn't want to go near me.

I feel Flash's stares but I ignore it as I continue to look around the building. Flash doesn't seemed pleased with me ignoring him and when I turn to look at him, he's glaring at me.

Peter doesn't seem to notice the stare down I'm having with Flash and I'm thankful that he doesn't notice. Flash turns to look away and I quickly start a conversation with Peter.

The lady in charge of leading us walks all of us to the elevator. She looks inexperienced and, though I wonder why she's leading us, I don't care enough to ponder on it.

We're lead to the 2nd floor to look at the intern office. Nothing interesting happens. Flash does do a threat thing with his hand to signal that I'm dead but I ignore it.

Next we go to floor 15. One of the R&D floors. Flash starts to make his way to me and Peter. I glare at him and he backs off.

Peter, on floor 15, runs into an avenger and they seem like good buddies. Everyone looks surprised but I shrug it off and look at a glowing ball they have floating in mid air.

I've had enough run ins with the Avengers to know them. I would wear a mask and fight unknown things, drug abuse, almost suicides, or anything police weren't really looking into.

Avengers saw me as a threat because I refused to tell them who I was so now I was doing that and fighting these small things.

We also got to do a lab where we had to mix chemicals and I worked with Peter. Peter almost mixes two chemicals that would've burned the tower to the ground but I quickly stopped him.

Peter seemed surprised that I stopped him but I ignore it and swiftly take over. Peter and I become the only group who was able to make the chemical we were told to make.

Peter, still looking surprised, high fives me and our entire group goes into the next room, a history on avengers. I go over to different exhibits and marvel (haha) at how different these suits were to the suits the Avengers used today.

Peter went off on his own and ended up staring at the Spiderman exhibit. The entire room was pretty dark and our teacher was hanging out on his phone as was the lady who lead our group.

I took a second glance around and walked over to Peter. He was staring and basically drooling at the Spiderman exhibit. I patted him on the back and had a shit eating grin plastered on my face.

"You either have the hots for Webby over here or you are Webby," I said to Peter, jokingly.

"I'm not Spiderman. Also Webby?"

When I wore my mask I called Spiderman Webby. I silently cursed myself, I was the only one who called Webby, well, Webby. I looked at Peter.

"Yeah, Webby. Something wrong?"

Peter shook his head, obviously stuck in his head. I put some of the pieces together and figured that he probably was Spiderman.

I don't know what led me to this conclusion but looking back at all my run-ins with Webby, his voice sounded an awfully lot like Peter. He also had a slightly similar demeanor.

I looked at Peter, "you're Spiderman, aren't you, Webby?"

Peter almost chocked, "w-what? No. No, no, no. I'm not Spiderman."

"Uh-huh. That's why you're denying so much."

Peter looked down, "fine, yes I am Spiderman. But you can't tell anyone."

I nodded at Peter and responded, "obviously."

Peter sighed in relieve before saying something that caught be by surprise, "well now that you know my secrets I want to know one of your secrets."

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