Dear Crush, Can't you see that I love you more than she does..

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Dear Crush,

        Can't you see that I love you more than she does..I mean you're everything to me right now, can't you see that I wait around outside my class just so I can see you and give you a huge hug? Our hugs that we tell eachother we miss when we're a part.. can't you see that I'm giving all types of hints that I love you.. that I want to be the one that you kiss and say I love you to, I want to be the one you call your girlfriend, not her. I mean she's nice and all, and I know that you're hers, but I'm right here, wanting you to notice what you're incredibly oblivious to. Yet you tell me all these sweet things, you tell me I'm beautiful, you love to tell me imaginitive stories that I know are all about us two. And yet, you're still with her, why? All I wish to know is why, why be with her, and you do all these things to me? Don't you love me too? You don't love me, if you loved me, you wouldn't do this to me, string me along, knowing that I won't let go because you're the nicest, sweetest boy that I've ever met. YOU are the only one that's done things, told me things, that no other boy has done before. That's why I love you so much, but it's ridiculous. I hear stories about you and her, all you do is make out, that's nothing like a real relationship. Ask her what your favorite color is.. I bet she won't know, ask her what your favorite movie is.. I bet she won't know. She doesn't know you like I do.. So.. why are you with her and not me? 

                Sincerely, The Girl who Loves You More.

Smudge My Lipstick: A Series of Dear Crush letters from WattpadiansWhere stories live. Discover now