c.h. part two

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“C’mon, let’s go dance.” Natasha shouted to her when Michael and Selene broke off into their own conversation.

Isis allowed herself to be once again pulled through the throng of people before Natasha stopped them and began to sway along to the music. She wasn’t exactly sure why it was called ‘dancing’ because really it was either bobbing along or it was basically dry humping another person. She bobbed anyway.

It was difficult to move at all with all the people who were bunched together on the make shift dance floor but that didn’t bother either of them much. Soon enough they’d given up on trying to look cool and were dancing around ridiculously, laughter pouring from their lips.

Isis stopped suddenly when she felt a set of warm hands rest on her waist. She quickly turned in the person’s grip, ready to tell them to get off her, but when her eyes met a familiar pair of brown ones it would seem that she lost all ability to form words.

“I thought you said you weren’t coming?” Calum asked, a smirk evident on his face even in the low lighting.

Normally she would have fired back some sort of insult or threat but the shock of seeing him at all mixed with the alcohol in her system had rendered her incapable of speech, all she could do for a few moments was openly gape at him. When she pulled herself together she pushed him away from her and tried her best to glare at the boy standing in front of her.

“What are you doing here?” She spat the words at him. “You were supposed to be at some party.”

He laughed and, while it kind of made her want to punch him in the face, she also realised that it was actually quite a pleasant sound.

“This is my party, babe. You always stopped me before I could tell you any details about it; details that might have included the fact that I was throwing the party and it was at my place which was off campus.”

Isis couldn’t think of a single thing to say.

“Seeing as you’re here though,” Calum stepped closer to her again. “Why don’t we dance?”

Isis rolled her eyes and pushed him back once more (she may have been slightly intoxicated but she was nowhere near drunk enough to fall for that). She let out a short laugh that conveyed anything but humour.

“Yeah, no. I’m not dancing with you.” She told him shaking her head. “I know how this works, I know how you work. There’s only one problem with your plan.”

His expression was amused and that irritated her. “Oh really? And what would that be Is?”

She smirked and closed the distance between them, stretching slightly so that her lips were right next to his ear. “I’m not like every other girl you’ve tried to fuck Calum.” She whispered, loving the way it sent a chill up his spine.

She pulled away and began to move back through the crowd, not even bothering to look for Natasha (she’d find her later).

“We’ll see about that.” She heard him shout after her.

After that little encounter Isis made a conscious effort to try and avoid Calum. She probably would have left the party if she could find Natasha (the last person she’d asked had mentioned something about body shots and that was when Isis knew she was probably not going to find her).

She’d lost count of the number of drinks she’d had and even though she wasn’t drunk things were starting to get a little fuzzy around the edges. In her efforts to stay away from Calum she’d been walking around so she wasn’t in the same place for too long, but after a while that became tedious and tiring so she decided to lean up against one of the walls enclosing the lounge room and just hope for the best.

Isis was actually annoyed with Calum (more than she usually was) because until he’d shown up out of the blue she was actually having a good time. It was nice to be able to stop thinking about uni and assignments and work for a while and he just had to go and ruin that for her.

Somewhere in the back of her mind Isis recognised that, even though she claimed to hate the boy, she spent an awful lot of time thinking about him.

She stayed in that spot for what felt like hours (she knew that it was more likely that it hadn’t been any more than one hour at the most) and she was definitely tipsy. She sipped on her drink and nodded her head along to the music, all the while scanning the room for any sight of Natasha or Calum. She kind of wanted someone to talk to so she even started looking for a face that was vaguely familiar to her but she couldn’t seem to find anyone.

Her eyes slipped shut for a few seconds but when she felt someone’s presence next to her they fluttered open again. She let out a groan when she recognised that it was Calum who was standing to her left.

“Why do you hate me so much?” He asked. She could smell the alcohol on his breath but he didn’t appear to be drunk. “I mean, I didn’t do anything to you, so I can’t figure out why you despise me. Did I push you off a swing as a kid or something?”

Isis couldn’t stop the laugh that passed through her lips at that last comment.

“I’m serious.” He told her, carding a hand through his hair.

“I…” Isis started to talk but stopped herself abruptly, a confused expression on her face. “I don’t really have a good reason. I don’t know why I hate you, I guess I just do.”

“That doesn’t really seem fair.” He said, trailing a finger down her arm. “You can’t hate me just because.”

“I can try.” She muttered defiantly, trying to ignore the goose bumps that were rising on her skin because of his touch.

His hands gripped her hips and he turned them so she was pressed between him and the wall. “Why bother though? What’s the point?”

Her breath caught in her throat for two reasons; the first was that he was so close to her and the second was because she kind of liked it.

“Calum Hood, are you trying to take advantage of me?” She’d intended for it to sound like a joke but she was too breathless for it to have the desired effect.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He replied softly, his warm breath ghosting over her lips. “Besides, if you didn’t want this you would have pushed me away by now.”

And it might have been the alcohol, or it might have been a lapse in judgment, or it might have been because she really wanted to; the reason didn’t matter though because moments later she was kissing him and all she could think about was the feeling of his lips on hers.


yay selene and michael made a special guest appearance for like two seconds! haha

i'm gonna go ahead and assume that most of you saw that kiss coming because, let's be real here, the sexual tension between isis and calum was off the freaking charts (and don't worry i'm not gonna leave you hanging, it'll continue into the next chapter too).

okay and while i've got you all here (if you're still reading, which you might not be, and that's cool because i know how annoying some author's notes can get) i'd like to say a massive thank you to every single person who reads this story. it reached 5k reads the other day and i was just completely blown away. i never thought it'd get 100 reads and it's so amazing to know that people like what i write. so, again, thank you so much for reading and an extra big thank you to the people who also vote and comment. it honestly means so much to me and i love you all (was that weird? oh well).

also, if you wanted to nominate this story (or any of my stories if you've read the other ones) in this 5sos watty awards http://www.wattpad.com/66471629-5sos-watty-awards-season-1-introduction that would be really cool :) 

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