c.h. part two

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When she’d blatantly refused to go to the party Isis kind of forgot to factor in the fact that her best friend hadn’t missed a party since year ten. Isis wasn’t exactly sure how Natasha had found out that Calum had invited her to the party and she didn’t have time to worry about it either; all she had time for was trying to convince the other girl to let her stay home.

“Tash I don’t want to be here.” Isis complained tugging on the hem of the skirt she’d grudgingly put on earlier.

“Would you please relax? Don’t pretend that you hate parties because I happen to know it’s a lie.” Her friend told her. “Besides, what’s the big deal? At least you’re not going to that party Calum invited you to, right?”

Isis kind of had to give her that one. The only reason she’d agreed to come with her was because this party was off campus and Natasha had agreed to be the designated driver if Isis actually went. Isis had had a particularly stressful week (what with exams and Calum always showing up randomly and telling her to go to the god damn party) and she was kind of looking forward to having a few drinks and relaxing.

The only thing she was slightly hesitant about was the fact that neither of them was likely to know anyone who was there. She was also a little bit worried about how they were going to get home because she knew that Natasha would end up drinking (the girl was virtually a certified party animal, alcohol ran through her veins more often than blood Isis assumed).

She pushed all of that out of her mind however and decided that she might as well enjoy herself. It had been too long since Isis had truly been able to relax and let go for a little while and this party would be the perfect opportunity to do just that. So she removed all the negative thoughts from her head, plastered a smile on her face, and let Natasha lead her to the kitchen.

The party was already in full swing and the two girls had to shove their way through all the bodies that were packed into the poorly lit house. The music was loud enough that Isis was literally having trouble hearing herself think and she could feel the bass line pumping right alongside her heart in her chest.

When they eventually got there, the kitchen seemed to have just as many people occupying the small space as the lounge did. The only difference was there were actually some lights on and Isis could see all the people drinking or crammed into corners making out as if their lives depended on it. She actually thought it was kind of funny honestly.

Isis resisted the urge to laugh out loud at the desperate couples and instead took a sip of whatever drink Natasha had handed her. Whatever it was was definitely strong but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant and before she knew it she’d finished the whole thing. She got herself something else to replace it while Natasha started up a conversation with someone called Selene.

“What are you doing here?” Natasha asked the smaller girl, pulling her in for a hug.

“Remember how I told you about Michael?” Natasha nodded and Isis was ultimately very confused but she just stood there and kept her mouth shut. “Yeah, this is his place.”

“Well you can tell your soul mate that he knows how to throw one hell of a party.” Both girls laughed and Isis began to tune out their conversation.

She didn’t know Selene and seeing as her best friend had neglected to introduce them she was beginning to feel like she was intruding on their conversation. It wasn’t hard to get lost in the music or in the alcohol and that’s exactly what she did, even though she was standing there with the other two girls her mind was somewhere else completely.

At some point a boy with bright green hair came up and wrapped an arm around Selene and Isis couldn’t help but notice how perfect they looked next to one another. That must be Michael, she thought to herself. There was something about the boy that was familiar to her but she couldn’t put her finger on exactly what it was, she brushed off the thought and figured that she’d probably just seen him around town at some point (he’d be pretty hard to miss or forget with his green hair and all).

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