c.h. part one

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There were few things in the world that Isis Matthews could say that she truly hated. Sure, there were a lot of things that she didn’t particularly like, but none of those things seemed worthy of being truly hated by the petite brunette.

In fact, there was only one thing Isis could say that she hated with complete certainty. That thing was a person; and that person was Calum Hood.

She’d gone through high school with the boy and he’d never stuck out to her until he made the senior soccer team when he was still a junior in year nine. It was all the school had been able to talk about for a week. It was hard to walk down the corridor or sit in a classroom without hearing someone who was talking about Calum Hood.

Despite his inflated ego, Isis hadn’t decided that she hated Calum until they were both in year ten. A year after his rise to popularity he was almost unrecognisable; he only attended enough classes to stop him from flunking out and getting kicked off the team and he was hardly seen without a girl on his arm. It made her want to be physically sick, thinking about all the girls that he used, and she vowed that she would never be one of the girls that fell victim to his charm.

In high school Isis had preferred to stay out of the lime light at all costs. She had a solid group of friends and she liked that less than half the people in her grade knew who she was. High school invariably sucks for pretty much everyone and she wanted to just keep her head down and she couldn’t wait for uni. The idea that she’d get to reinvent herself was something that couldn’t happen soon enough.

The whole Isis 2.0 project had about three steps;
                step one, graduate high school and get into uni
                step two, turn eighteen and get her tattoo courtesy of the SoulMates system
                step three, be the person she wanted to be not the person she’d been made into.

The third step was a bit vague but she figured that it would all sort itself out as long as she got the first two down.

Isis still wasn’t sure how she felt about the SoulMates system, most of the girls she knew seemed to like it well enough (it made dating a hell of a lot easier apparently), but seeing as she’d never exactly had difficulty with dating she was kind of impartial to the whole thing. She was, however, excited about the fact that she got to have a tattoo without having to deal with the pain of getting one the old fashioned way (not that she was allowed to anyway, laws and all).

That thought brought her back to Calum Hood. Girls throughout her school had waited on baited breath to find out what his tattoo was, many of them hoping that it would match theirs. The guys were happy about it because they knew that it meant a bunch of girls were going to be devastated and looking for male attention. Calum out did himself though and the weekend after his eighteenth birthday he’d come into school with not one, but three tattoos.

Yet again, Calum Hood was all the school could talk about. The walls seemed to whisper his name and even the teachers had joined in on the gossip. Isis could still clearly remember the smug smirk on his face when the police were walking him out the front doors of the school in hand cuffs; and she could remember the cool air of indifference he’d projected when he got back. Calum Hood had messed with the law and he’d gotten away with it, better yet everyone knew it too.

Isis thought that she was finally free of all the drama that came along with being even remotely associated to Calum when she got accepted into a uni in the city (she was sure that people this far out hadn’t heard of the obnoxious boy and that there was no way his grades would allow him a spot at the university). Isis did not consider the fact that Calum Hood was a god damn soccer prodigy and they gave away scholarships for things like that.

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