"You can tell me anything," I replied. 

Brooklyn took a deep breath before saying, "You know how I have to take pills everyday?" I nodded. "Well, last year I forgot to take them, and I don't remember what happened cause my mind it....do you ever get a weird dream that feels so real that you think it's actually happening?"

"Yeah...I guess," I replied in a unsure tone. 

"Well....that happened to me," Brooklyn said quietly while looking down. Ok, now I'm getting worried. Where could this possibly be going? "Let's just say I was dreaming of a redhead."

It took me a few moments to process what Brooklyn had just said. But when I did all I said was "What?"

"The crazy part is that....this was before we even met."

"What happened?" I asked while pulling her closer.

Brooklyn sighed before saying, "Well, try and stay with me. I got casted in the tour, and we started talking and hanging out more, and we dated for a little bit. But then this Tiffany girl came along, note that in my dream she was your crazy ex-girlfriend. Number 5 to be correct, and I was believe it or not 11. Anyways, I got mad at you because you knew she would be there, and when I was going to tell you that I didn't care that I was girlfriend 11 cause I love you, I saw you kissing Tiffany. Cue the drama shit where I go on a break up phase. I dyed my hair black with blue streaks, I started wearing darker clothes and had this really cold attitude. You always tried to make it right, I wouldn't listen, and whenever we saw each other you were either making out with Tiff or we were fighting. I met some kid named Chase and we started hanging out and Ben and Josh got in the middle of it. They made up this plan for us to talk, but that went out the door, then they made up another one by saying that you were watching Wren and she wanted me to go and we got back together and it was good for awhile but then.....I over heard you and tiffany talking about some big secret and that was the last straw. I went back home and.....I over dosed cause I couldn't take shit anymore and...when I met you got real I couldn't believe it. You know the rest from there. But when we broke up that's why I was so mean to you. I was also mad at myself cause at the time I thought that dream meant I should've stayed away from you. Now we're back together and.....I'm scared that I'm going to lose you to some other girl again....." Brooklyn buried her head in the nook of my neck as she hugged me tighter than before. 

"That actually happened to you?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah," she replied with a sniff. "It's been killing me not telling anybody for as long as I have."

"So, I guess you'd say I really am the man of your dreams."

Brooklyn laughed as she looked back up at me with a small smile on her face. "Since when are you a man?" she asked. I only shrugged before pressing a small kiss to her lips, when I pulled back her blue eyes were in a wave of shock. "You're not creeped out by this?" she asked.

"Not really, seeing as I had a crush on you before we met," I admitted while brushing my nose on hers.

"What're you talking about?" she asked quietly.

"Remember when you told me you were in a Time Square ad?" when she nodded I said, "Well, before the tour, I was walking around with Ben and Josh, we were enjoying the last few days in New York when the ad came on. And well...when I saw a blue eyed beauty I may have gotten a small crush on her. But I knew I'd never get to met her, so I pushed it aside. But, years later I found out who the blue eyed beauty was. And fell more in love than ever," I admitted.

"I love you too," Brook whispered before hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug. I could smell the vanilla on her soft skin and smooth skin. I just wanted to hold her in my arms as long as I could.

Dreaming of a RedheadWhere stories live. Discover now